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Date Title Author Topic
12/06/10 Spiritual Indwelling Murray Wade Knoxville TV
10/08/10 The Holy Spirit: Miraculous Gifts (2) Murray Wade Knoxville TV
10/04/10 The Holy Spirit: Miraculous Gifts (1) Murray Wade Knoxville TV
08/16/10 The Work of the Holy Spirit Murray Wade Knoxville TV
08/02/10 Who Is The Holy Spirit? Murray Wade Knoxville TV
07/19/10 How We Got The Bible: The Bible - The Only Book We Need (lesson 5) Aaron O'Neal Knoxville TV
06/21/10 How We Got the Bible: Why Are There So Many Versions? (lesson 4) Aaron O'Neal Knoxville TV
06/07/10 How We Got the Bible: How Has the Bible Stayed in Tact? (lesson 3) Aaron O'Neal Knoxville TV
05/17/10 How We Got The Bible: How Did The Bible Come Together? (lesson 2) Aaron O'Neal Knoxville TV
05/03/10 How We Got The Bible: What is the Bible and Our Need for It? (lesson 1) Aaron O'Neal Knoxville TV
04/19/10 The Good Shepherd: Being In the Fold (6 of 6) Brian Andrews Knoxville TV
04/05/10 The Good Shepherd: Staying in the Flock II (5 of 6) Brian Andrews Knoxville TV
03/15/10 The Good Shepherd: Staying in the Flock I (4 of 6) Brian Andrews Knoxville TV
03/01/10 The Good Shepherd: Becoming of the Flock (3 of 6) Brian Andrews Knoxville TV
02/15/10 The Good Shepherd: Other Sheep (2 of 6) Brian Andrews Knoxville TV
02/01/10 The Good Shepherd: Jesus (1 of 6) Brian Andrews Knoxville TV
01/04/10 Satan, Man's Adversary (Part 3) David Riggs Knoxville TV
12/07/09 Satan, Man's Adversary (Part 2) David Riggs Knoxville TV
11/02/09 Satan, Man's Adversary (Part 1) David Riggs Knoxville TV
10/19/09 Heart Lessons: Keeping Ourselves Pure? Murray Wade Knoxville TV
10/05/09 Heart Lessons: Following God's Order Murray Wade Knoxville TV
09/21/09 Heart Lessons: Good Deeds of Young People Murray Wade Knoxville TV
08/17/09 Heart Lessons: Purer In Heart Murray Wade Knoxville TV
08/03/09 Heart Lessons: What Kind of Soil Am I? Murray Wade Knoxville TV
08/04/08 Following God's Order Murray Wade Knoxville TV

Displaying 176 - 200 of 352

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