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Date Title Author Topic
07/06/20 What Must I Do to Be Saved? Murray Wade What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved_7-6-20.docx
03/02/20 Jesus, a Friend of Sinners Murray Wade Knoxville TV Jesus_-_A_Friend_of_Sinners_3-2-20.docx
02/03/20 What About Pride? Beth Wade and Murray Wade Knoxville TV What_About_Pride_02-3-20.docx
12/02/19 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Make the good Confession) Murray Wade What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved_-_Confess_12-2-19.docx
11/04/19 What Can I Do For Jesus - Sacrifice Murray Wade Knoxville TV What_Can_I_Do_For_Jesus_-_Sacrifice_11-4-19.docx
10/07/19 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Repent) Murray Wade What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Can_I_Do_For_Jesus_-_Repent_09-16-19__10-07-19.docx
08/05/19 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Murray Wade Knoxville TV Indwelling_of_the_Holy_Spirit_8-5-19.doc
07/01/19 Baptism of the Holy Spirit Murray Wade Knoxville TV Baptism_of_the_Holy_Spirit_July_1_2019.doc
06/03/19 Why Are We Christians? Murray Wade Knoxville TV Why_Are_We_Christians_06-03-2019.docx
05/06/19 Man Misidentifies God's People Murray Wade Knoxville TV Man_Misidentifies_Gods_People_1-20-19_05-06-2019.docx
04/01/19 Put Off, Put On Murray Wade Knoxville TV Put_off_put_on_1-21-08_4-1-2019.docx
03/04/19 Proper Giving Murray Wade Knoxville TV Proper_Giving_03-04-2019.docx
02/04/19 A Lifelong Appointment Murray Wade Knoxville TV Lifelong_Appointment_02-04-2019.docx
01/07/19 The Creator Died For You! Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Creator_Died_For_You_January_7_2019.docx
12/03/18 DON'T LOOK BACK! Beth Wade and Murray Wade Knoxville TV Dont_Look_Back_December_3_2018.docx
11/05/18 Lessons from the book of Jude Murray Wade Knoxville TV Lessons_from_the_book_of_Jude_November_3_2018.docx
10/15/18 The Faith of Joseph Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Faith_of_Joseph_October_15_2018.docx
10/01/18 How Much Can Jesus Forgive? Murray Wade Knoxville TV How_Much_Can_Jesus_Forgive_October_1_2018.doc
09/17/18 Abraham's Son of Promise and His Faith Confirmed Murray Wade Knoxville TV Abrahams_Son_of_Promise_and_His_Faith_Confirmed_September_17_2018.doc
09/02/18 Evidence Class #1 - 5th & 6th Grade - Fall 2018 Murray Wade Class Material Class_1_-_Three_Essentials_For_Life_12-14-08.doc Class_1_-_Three_Essentials_For_Life_12-14-08.ppt
08/20/18 Babel Murray Wade Knoxville TV Babel_August_20_2018.doc
08/06/18 The Compassion of Jesus Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Compassion_of_Jesus_August_6_2018.doc
07/16/18 Tempted in All Things Murray Wade Knoxville TV Tempted_in_All_Things_July_16_2018.doc
07/02/18 Misplaced Fear Murray Wade Knoxville TV Misplaced_Fear_July_2_2018.doc
06/18/18 Jesus Answers His Apostles Murray Wade Knoxville TV Jesus_Answers_His_Apostles_June_18_2018.doc

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