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Date Title Author Topic
08/20/18 Babel Murray Wade Knoxville TV Babel_August_20_2018.doc
08/06/18 The Compassion of Jesus Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Compassion_of_Jesus_August_6_2018.doc
07/16/18 Tempted in All Things Murray Wade Knoxville TV Tempted_in_All_Things_July_16_2018.doc
07/02/18 Misplaced Fear Murray Wade Knoxville TV Misplaced_Fear_July_2_2018.doc
06/18/18 Jesus Answers His Apostles Murray Wade Knoxville TV Jesus_Answers_His_Apostles_June_18_2018.doc
06/04/18 What will You do with Jesus? Murray Wade Knoxville TV What_will_You_do_with_Jesus_June_4_2018.doc
05/30/18 Evidence of God Murray Wade Class Material
05/30/18 Evidence of God Murray Wade Class Material Evidence_of_God_5-30-2018.doc Evidence_of_God_5-30-2018.ppt Handouts_1-5_Oak_Ridge_church_of_Christ.pdf
05/07/18 Lessons from 2 Peter Murray Wade Knoxville TV Lessons_From_2_Peter_May_7_2018.doc
04/16/18 Lessons from 1 Peter Murray Wade Knoxville TV Lessons_From_1_Peter_April_16_2018.doc
04/02/18 Heaven Murray Wade Knoxville TV Heaven_April_2_2018.doc
03/19/18 Only One Sin Murray Wade Knoxville TV Only_One_Sin_March_19_2018.doc
03/05/18 Good Deeds of Young People Murray Wade Knoxville TV Good_Deeds_of_Young_People_March_5_2018.doc
02/19/18 Do You Feel Alone? Murray Wade Knoxville TV Do_You_Feel_Alone_February_19_2018.doc
02/05/18 Bible Love Murray Wade Knoxville TV Bible_Love_February_5_2018.doc
12/04/17 Have You Been Redeemed? Murray Wade Knoxville TV Have_You_Been_Redeemed_December_4_2017.doc
11/06/17 Why Stop The Chariot? Jason Shackleford Knoxville TV Why_Stop_the_Chariot_November_6_2017.docx
10/16/17 The Transformation of Me! Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Transformation_of_Me_October_16_2017.docx
10/02/17 Who Do You Follow? Murray Wade Knoxville TV
09/18/17 Let Us Reason Together Murray Wade Knoxville TV Let_Us_Reason_Together_9-18-17.docx
09/04/17 Standing For Truth Murray Wade Knoxville TV
08/21/17 Good Fellowship Murray Wade Knoxville TV
07/17/17 Lessons From The Samaritans Murray Wade Knoxville TV
07/03/17 Does God want us to keep all of His commandments? Murray Wade Knoxville TV
04/20/15 Jesus The Lamb and The Shepherd Murray Wade Knoxville TV

Displaying 76 - 100 of 352

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