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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/02/18 Growth Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-12-2b.mp3
12/02/18 Micah Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-12-2a.mp3
11/25/18 Unleavened Bread Bill Fix Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-11-25b.mp3
11/25/18 1 Corinthians 5, Discipline Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-11-25a.mp3
11/18/18 Recharging our Faith Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-11-18b.mp3
11/18/18 Lifelong Appointment Murray Wade Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-11-18a.mp3 Lifelong_appointment.pptx Lifelong_Appointment_11-18-18.docx
11/11/18 Good Works Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-11-11a.mp3
11/11/18 Man Misidentifies God's People (Athens TN) Murray Wade Sermon N/A Sunday Man_Misidentifies_Gods_People_11-11-18.docx
11/04/18 Being Convicted, How Some Respond Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-11-04b.mp3
11/04/18 I Am the Light of the World Bill Fix Sermon I AM Sunday 2018-11-04a.mp3 I_am_Light_of_the_World.pdf
10/28/18 Casual Worship Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-10-28b.mp3
10/28/18 Jonah Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-10-28a.mp3
10/21/18 Love as I have Loved You Wayne Galloway Gospel Meeting Like the Holy One Gospel Meeting 2018-10-21a.mp3
10/21/18 Make Me a Servant Wayne Galloway Gospel Meeting Like the Holy One Gospel Meeting 2018-10-22b.mp3
10/20/18 Trust and Obey Wayne Galloway Gospel Meeting Like the Holy One Gospel Meeting 2018-10-20.mp3
10/19/18 Like the Holy One Wayne Galloway Gospel Meeting Like the Holy One Gospel Meeting 2018-10-19.mp3
10/14/18 The Bible - Our Lamp Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-10-14b.mp3
10/14/18 The Faith of Joseph (part 2) Murray Wade Sermon The Faith of Joseph Sunday 2018-10-14a.mp3 The_Faith_of_Joseph_October_15_2018.docx
10/07/18 Kindness Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-10-07b.mp3
09/30/18 This World is Not My Home - Part 2 Aaron O'Neal Sermon Song Service-This World is Not My Home Sunday 2018-09-30b.mp3
09/30/18 This World is Not My Home - Part 1 Nathan Collier Sermon Song Service-This World is Not My Home Sunday 2018-09-30a.mp3
09/23/18 I Am the Bread of Life Bill Fix Sermon I AM Sunday I_am_Bread_of_Life.pdf 2018-09-23a.mp3
09/23/18 The Faith of Joseph (part 1) Murray Wade Sermon The Faith of Joseph Sunday 2018-09-23b.mp3 The_Faith_of_Joseph_part_1.docx
09/16/18 The Gospel and Transformation Caleb Westbrook Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-09-16b.mp3 The_Gospel_and_Transformation_2.pptx
09/16/18 Why Do We have Four Gospel Accounts Caleb Westbrook Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-09-16a.mp3 Why_do_we_have_4_gospel_accounts_2.pptx
09/09/18 Finding Joy Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-09-09b.mp3
09/02/18 All that Glitters Daniel Wade Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-09-02a.mp3 All_that_Glitters.pptx
09/02/18 Abraham's Son of Promise and His Faith Confirmed (Lesson 4 of 4) Murray Wade Sermon Abraham's Faith (four lesson series) Sunday 2018-09-02b.mp3 Abrahams_Faith_Lesson_4_of_4.docx
08/26/18 Sin Can Draw Us Away Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-08-26a.mp3
08/26/18 I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life Bill Fix Sermon I AM Sunday 2018-08-26b.mp3 I_am_Way_Truth_Life.pdf
08/26/18 The Dangers of Being Double-minded (Athens TN) Murray Wade Sermon N/A Sunday The_Dangers_of_Being_Double-minded_Athens_TN_-_August_26_2018.docx
08/19/18 Lesson from 1 Corinthians Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-08-19a.mp3
08/19/18 Jesus Centered with Mathematics Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-08-19b.mp3
08/12/18 Lessons from Proverbs:Choosing a Spouse Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-08-12b.mp3
08/12/18 Discouragement in Personal Evangelism Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-08-12a.mp3
08/05/18 Acting on the Word of God Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-08-05b.mp3
08/05/18 I AM: Intro to Jesus' Metaphors Declaring His Deity Bill Fix Sermon I AM Sunday 2018-08-05a.mp3 I_AM.pdf
07/29/18 Lord's Prayer Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-07-29b.mp3
07/29/18 God helps Abraham develop patience and faith (Lesson 3 of 4) Murray Wade Sermon Abraham's Faith (four lesson series) Sunday 2018-07-29a.mp3 Abrahams_Faith_Lesson_3_of_4.docx
07/22/18 Isaiah 53 Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-07-22b.mp3
07/22/18 HOLY SPIRIT’S INDWELLING Mike O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday HOLY_SPIRITS_INDWELLING.pptx 2018-07-22a.mp3
07/15/18 Acts 26 Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-07-15a.mp3
07/15/18 Hebrews 12 Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-07-15b.mp3
07/08/18 Not to be Seen Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-07-08a.mp3
07/08/18 Comfort Zone Bill Fix Sermon N/A Sunday My_Comfort_Zone.pdf 2018-07-08b.mp3
07/01/18 Authority Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-07-01b.mp3
07/01/18 Abraham rescues Lot and pays tithes to Melchizedek (Lesson 2 of 4) Murray Wade Sermon Abraham's Faith (four lesson series) Sunday Abrahams_Faith_Lesson_2_of_4.docx 2018-07-01a.mp3
06/24/18 Peace Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-06-24b.mp3
06/24/18 Premillennialism Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-06-24a.mp3
06/17/18 Curse of Work Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2018-06-17a.mp3

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