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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/23/17 Lord, Increase Our Faith David Griffith Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-23b.mp3
07/23/17 No Name Heroes Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-23a.mp3
07/19/17 Mindfulness Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-16b.mp3
07/16/17 Character Rick Graham Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-16a.mp3
07/09/17 Let It Go Andrew Stafford Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-09b.mp3
07/09/17 Do What We Can Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-09a.mp3
07/02/17 Are We Busy Doing Nothing? Bill Fix Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-07-02a.mp3
07/02/17 Good Fellowship (part 2) Murray Wade Sermon Getting Back to Basics Sunday 2017-07-02b.mp3 Good_Fellowship_part_2.pptx Good_Fellowship_part_2_July_2_2017.docx
06/25/17 Psalm 15 David Griffith Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-06-25b.mp3
06/25/17 Procrastination Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-06-25a.mp3
06/18/17 Lord's Supper Thoughts Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting N/A Sunday 2017-06-18c.mp3
06/18/17 Shifting Standards of Faith Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Shifting_Standards_of_Faith.pptx 2017-06-18b.mp3
06/18/17 That's Just Your Judgement! Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Upholding Truth in a Post-Truth World Gospel Meeting Thats_Just_Your_Judgment.pptx 2017-06-18a.mp3
06/17/17 Isn't that True for You, but not for Me? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Upholding Truth in a Post-Truth World Gospel Meeting True_for_you_but_not_for_me.pptx 2017-06-17.mp3
06/16/17 Why do We Doubt Truth? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Upholding Truth in a Post-Truth World Gospel Meeting Why_Do_We_Doubt_Truth.pptx 2017-06-16.mp3
06/11/17 Spiritual Growth Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-06-11b.mp3
06/11/17 Patience Rick Graham Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-06-11a.mp3
06/04/17 Love in John Andrew Stafford Sermon N/A Sunday If_you_love_me_keep_my_commandments.pptx 2017-06-04b.mp3
06/04/17 Inheritance Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-06-04a.mp3
05/28/17 Hate David Griffith Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-05-28b.mp3
05/28/17 Titus 2 Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-05-28a.mp3
05/21/17 What Happens When We Die? Bill Fix Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-05-21a.mp3
05/21/17 Good Fellowship (part 1) Murray Wade Sermon Getting Back to Basics Sunday Good_Fellowship_part_1_May_21_2017.docx Good_Fellowship_part_1.pptx 2017-05-21b.mp3
05/14/17 Oh, What a Weariness Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-05-14b.mp3
05/14/17 Four States of Man Rick Graham Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-05-14a.mp3
05/07/17 Grace Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-05-07b.mp3
05/07/17 Bible Misconceptions Andrew Stafford Sermon N/A Sunday Biblical_Misconceptions.pptx 2017-05-07a.mp3
04/30/17 Two Sides to Ever Coin Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-04-30a.mp3
04/23/17 Hear and Do Murray Wade Sermon Getting Back to Basics Sunday Hear__Do_4-23-17.docx 2017-04-23b.mp3
04/23/17 Acts 16 Bill Fix Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-04-23a.mp3
04/16/17 Death and Resurrection of Christ (part 2) Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-04-16b.mp3
04/16/17 Death and Resurrection of Christ Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-04-16a.mp3
04/09/17 Christian Unity Steven Trammel Gospel Meeting 21st Century Christianity Sunday 2017-04-09c.mp3 Church_Unity.pptx
04/09/17 How to Change the Church Steven Trammel Gospel Meeting 21st Century Christianity Sunday How_to_Change_the_Church.pptx 2017-04-09a.mp3
04/09/17 The 5 People I Talked to about the Gospel Steven Trammel Gospel Meeting 21st Century Christianity Sunday 5_People_and_the_Gospel.pptx 2017-04-09b.mp3
04/08/17 Retirement Planning Steven Trammel Gospel Meeting 21st Century Christianity Gospel Meeting Retirement_Planning.pptx 2017-04-08.mp3
04/07/17 Finding Your Church/Life Balance Steven Trammel Gospel Meeting 21st Century Christianity Gospel Meeting Church_Life_Balance.pptx 2017-04-07.mp3
04/02/17 Matthew 5 Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-04-02b.mp3
04/02/17 Who Do I Follow? Murray Wade Sermon Getting Back to Basics Sunday Who_Do_I_Follow.pptx Who_Do_I_Follow.docx 2017-04-02a.mp3
03/26/17 Encouragement Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-26b.mp3 Encouragement.pptx
03/26/17 Face Turns in the Bible Bill Fix Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-26a.mp3 Face_Turns.pptx
03/19/17 Talents David Griffith Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-19b.mp3
03/19/17 Fear for Our Lord Rick Graham Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-19a.mp3
03/12/17 What kind of tree are you? Andrew Stafford Sermon N/A Sunday What_kind_of_tree_are_you.pptx 2017-03-12a.mp3
03/12/17 Christian Relationship Larry Paden Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-12b.mp3
03/05/17 40 in the Bible Nathan Collier Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-05b.mp3
03/05/17 Joshua Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-03-05a.mp3
02/26/17 Colossians Andrew Stafford Sermon Letters to the Asian Churches Sunday Colossians.pptx 2017-02-26b.mp3
02/19/17 Tools of the Devil Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday 2017-02-19a.mp3
02/19/17 Submission Brian Andrews Sermon N/A Sunday Submission.pptx Submission_Bible_Reading.docx Submission.docx 2017-02-19b.mp3

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