Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Does God want us to keep all of His commandments?

We are members of the Oak Ridge church of Christ. We call ourselves Christians (Acts 11:26) and we hold to the Bible as our one and only Truth. Church of Christ is a biblical description of Christians who work together for the cause of Christ (Romans 16:16). We are independent assemblies with no organization beyond our own number as described in Philippians 1:1. There are Christians across the world working with local congregations of God’s people such as described in Revelation 2-3. Christians are members of Christ’s body, which is also known as His Church (Acts 2:47Ephesians 5:23). Our mission is to stand for God’s truth (the gospel) and teach it to all people (Matthew 28:18-20Romans 1:161 Timothy 3:15). We are accountable to our one and only Head Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23Colossians 1:18).

Does God want us to keep all of His commandments?

We live in a world where most religious folks have the attitude that they can pick and choose which commands they are going to follow. We want to consider the question tonight, “Does God want us to keep all of His commandments?”

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Deuteronomy 6:24, 10:13-14

Psalm 119:97-104, 151, 160

John 14:15, 21

John 15:10

Romans 13:9-14

1 Corinthians 7:19

1 John 2:3-4, 3:22-24, 5:1-4

2 John 1:6

Mark 12:28-34

Matthew 23:23


Revelation 2:1-7

Revelation 14:12

Revelation 22:14



I think we can see tonight that God’s commandments are for our good. He also wants us to follow the commands contained in the New Testament. By following and practicing the Law of Christ (Galatians 6:2) or the Perfect Law of Liberty (James 1:25, 2:12) we will please God and be a blessing to those around us.

If you are not a Christian tonight, you are not keeping His commandments (Acts 17:30-31). Repent of your sins and be baptized to wash them all away (Acts 22:16). That is how you start your walk with Jesus Christ. Following His commands will bring you innumerable blessings in this life and eternity in Heaven one day!

Please check the scriptures we have covered tonight. We want to help you in any way we can. Contact us for Bible studies, by telephone, e-mail, or simply come to one of our assemblies. Our next program is planned for next month on Monday, July 3, 2017. We hope to see you next time on "Speaking The Truth In Love".