Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Where is True Peace?

Where is True Peace? [live call in: (865) 215-4337]

It is safe to say, we all have experienced a peaceful time in our lives. Maybe a nice morning when the breeze is blowing, with a blue sky, and no mosquitos; or maybe a special moment with family or on vacation? Maybe after a challenging day of work and you finally get to sit down and gather your thoughts? We can all relate to this type of peace. But what we want to talk about tonight is the True Peace that God gives His children, when things all around us may not be peaceful.

1. Mary (John 19:25-27, Acts 1:13-14) – Can you imagine the feeling and the thoughts she was dealing with? Her perfect Son died for all! After Acts chapter 2 she would have worshipped with those who opposed Jesus. And then she would watch His followers be persecuted and in constant danger.

2. Early Disciples (Acts 8:1-4, 11:19-20, 12:1-4, 17:5-9, James 1:1, 1 Peter 1:1-2) – These early Christians were scattered to various places and countries and continued suffering for the Lord after the deaths of Stephen and the apostle James.

3. Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:22-12:10) – Paul was in constant fear for his life as he reached out to his fellow Hebrews, in constant concern for the Lord’s churches, and he also had to live with the guilt of his past life when he persecuted the Lord and His people. Somehow he learned how to be content and at peace.

4. Disciples Today (2 Timothy 3:12, James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 1:3-9) – Each one of us have things on our mind, concerns for our country, loved ones, the church, those who are lost, those who have fallen away, the loss of loved ones, those who are sick or are declining, job security, paying bills, retirement, missing loved ones, the future for our young people, etc. Thinking of these things and dwelling on them can cause us to be anxious and not be at peace.

5. How did Mary, early disciples, and the apostle Paul find True Peace on this earth? True peace does not come from man, from yoga, from careers or college, from family or loved ones, and you cannot find True Peace on your own. These things can help us for short periods of time but they do not result in True Peace and contentment (2 Thessalonians 3:16)!

  • True Peace only comes from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Acts 9:31, Philippians 4:6-9, Hebrews 4:14-16, 1 John 5:14)! Disciples of God can take their cares and concerns and lay them at the Father’s throne. Put them in the hands of the Creator with confidence that He will take care of us and do what we know is best for us!
  • Without Jesus you cannot ever have True Peace! If you are not a disciple today, you need to be reconciled to the Lord and diligently seek Him to obtain True Peace (Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:19-23, 2 Peter 3:14).
  • We live in a world of turmoil. And the storms of life will come. Do you have God to give you peace in the midst of this world of chaos? Do you have God so that you can be content, sleep at night, and be at peace knowing your home will be in Heaven? If not, why not repent of your sins and be baptized today? That is how one can be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless.
  • Maybe you are a Christian, but you have been trying to find peace on your own or from the wrong places? We are here to encourage and help you regain the peace that God wants you to have!

We invite all in our audience to our Bible studies on Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday morning at 9am. We would love to study God’s together with you! Please check the scriptures we have covered tonight. We want to help you in any way we can. Contact us for Bible studies by telephone, e-mail, or simply come to one of our assemblies. Contact: We assemble at 225 North Purdue Ave. in Oak Ridge at 9am on Sundays and 7pm on Wednesdays; oakridgechurch.com; david.barry@oakridgechurch.com, murray.wade@oakridgechurch.com; (865) 693-1416.

Our next live program is planned for August 3, 2024 when we plan to study “Resisting Change” and we hope to see you next time on "Speaking The Truth In Love".