What Happens After Death?
David Riggs
- Knoxville TV
Part 1
A. In this lesson we shall attempt to answer the question, "What
happens after death?"
1. This question has plagued man from the dawn of creation.
2. People of all ages and races have sought its answer.
B. The Old Testament did not provide the answer; it revealed very
little about it.
1. The ancient Greek philosophers had miserably failed in
trying to give a satisfactory answer.
a. This was the reason many of the Gentiles readily accepted
the gospel in the first century.
b. For the first time they had something that truly had the
C. 2 Tim. 1:10 -- Thus, through Jesus Christ and His gospel we can
answer our question.
A. Luke 16:19-31 reveals much about what happens after death.
1. Some say that this is only a parable.
a. I do not agree, but even if it was a parable, it does not
change the facts in the passage.
b. Parables always deal with the realistic--with things that
can and do actually occur.
c. For example, in Luke 8:4-15 Jesus began his lesson by
saying, "A sower went out to sow his seed..." This is a
realistic occurrence.
2. Verse 22 of Luke 16 reveals that a part of man is carried
away at the point of death.
a. What part of man is carried away by the angels at death?
b. It is not the body for the body is buried here on earth.
(1) Eccl. 12:7 -- Thus, our spirits return to God when we
(2) Psalm 90:10 teaches that there is a part of man that
flies away at death.
(3) Gen. 35:18-19 and 1 Kings 17:21-22 reveal that the
soul departs when one dies.
(4) James 2:26
(5) It is plainly revealed, therefore, that after death
our spirits or souls are carried back to God.
3. Verses 23-31 of Luke 16 reveal that after death man is
conscious and rational.
a. Verses 22b-23 -- Thus, the rich man could see after he
had died.
b. Verse 24 -- Therefore, the rich man could speak and feel
after death.
c. Verse 25 -- Thus, after death he could remember. In
verses 27-31, he remembered his five brothers back here
on earth.
d. We must conclude, therefore, that man does not cease
existence after death, but is conscious and rational.
4. Verses 22-26 reveal the places to which the good and the
wicked go when they die.
a. They are much different from back here on earth.
b. Verse 22 -- "Abraham's bosom" is described as a place of
comfort in verse 25.
(1) In Matt. 22:31-32, Jesus showed that Abraham existed
after death.
(2) Jesus was showing the error of the Sadducees who
profess that "there is no resurrection, neither
angel, nor spirit." Acts 23:8
(3) His argument was built on the tense of the verb.
(4) If Abraham had no existence after death, God should
have said, "I was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob," but since God said, "I am..." it showed that
Abraham still had conscious existence.
(5) Since Abraham was truly a righteous man, we can
understand why he is connected with the place of
comfort--a place called "Abraham's bosom."
c. The place of comfort is also called "Paradise."
(1) Jesus said to the thief on the cross -- Luke 23:43.
(2) Thus, both Jesus and the thief on that very day would
be a place called "paradise."
(3) Acts 2:27-31 reveals that the place where Jesus went
is also called "hades."
(a) The word for "hell" in verses 27 and 31 in the
original is "hades."
(4) Some become confused on this subject because the
words, "hades," "gehenna," and "tartarus" are all
translated by the single term "hell" in the King
James Version.
(a) These words should be distinguished. "Gehenna"
always refers to the place of eternal punishment,
"hades" to the intermediate state, and "tartarus"
to that part of hades where the wicked are during
the intermediate state.
(5) Jesus did not go into the eternal place of punishment
when He died, but into "paradise," a place of comfort
in hades.
(a) His soul did not stay in that place because it
was reunited with His body.
(b) Furthermore, Jesus did not go into heaven when He
i) After he was raised, He said to Mary
Magdelene, "Touch me not; for I am not yet
ascended to my Father..." John 20:17
ii) This shows that paradise is not heaven, and
the righteous dead do not go directly to
heaven as many believe and teach today.
d. There is also a place of torment in hades. See Luke
16:22-25 once again.
(1) The word for "hell" (vs. 23 KJV) in the original is
not "gehenna" (the eternal place of punishment), but
"hades" (the temporary place where spirits await the
e. 2 Pet. 2:4 -- Here the word for hell is "tartarus," the
only place it is found in the N.T.
(1) The American Standard Version renders 2 Pet. 2:9,
"The Lord knoweth how to...keep the unrighteous under
punishment unto the day of judgment..."
(2) Jude, speaking of the wicked angels, said -- Jude 6.
(3) In 1 Pet. 3:19-20, Peter spoke of those who were
disobedient in the days of Noah as their spirits as
being in prison.
(4) Thus, we must conclude that there is not only a place
of comfort in hades, but also a place of torment
where the spirits of the wicked are in prison and are
kept under punishment to await the judgment.
f. Verse 26 of Luke 16 reveals that there is a great gulf
fixed between the two places.
5. In summary to this first portion of our study of "What
happens after death?", we answer:
a. When a righteous person dies, his soul or spirit is
carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom in hades, a
place of comfort, paradise.
b. When a wicked person dies, his spirit is placed in prison
in hades, a place of torment, where he is reserved in
punishment until the day of judgment.
c. There is no passing or moving back and forth from the two
A. The spirits which have passed from this life into hades will in
their respective places await the second coming of Christ.
1. The second coming marks the end of all things on this earth.
2 Pet. 3:10
B. At the second coming, Christ will bring the spirits of the
righteous dead with him. 1 Thess. 4:13-14
1. Please notice that Paul said, "...Them also which sleep in
Jesus will God bring with him."
2. This could only refer to the souls of the righteous dead.
a. They will be brought out of the place of comfort in hades
and will return with the Lord.
b. Their bodies which they had previously occupied while
here on earth will be raised.
C. Paul continues -- 1 Thess. 4:15-16.
1. Thus, Paul reveals a definite order of events.
a. The righteous who are living when the Lord comes will not
go before those who have already died, for "the dead in
Christ shall rise first" (vs. 16; 1 Cor. 15:22-23).
2. Paul proceeds to show what will happen after the dead in
Christ have been raised. 1 Thess. 4:17
a. The old humorous adage, "You'll not get out of this world
alive" is not necessarily true.
3. There are several other passages which reveal that the
bodies of the righteous will be changed at the second coming
of Christ. Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Cor. 15:52-53; 1 John 3:2
D. At the second coming, the bodies of the wicked will be raised.
1. Acts 24:15 plainly reveals that there will be a resurrection
of BOTH the just and the unjust.
2. At that time the wicked will receive the resurrection of
damnation. John 5:28-29
E. 2 Thess 1:7-9 shows what will happen to the wicked who are
alive on this earth when the Lord comes.
A. What happens after death?
1. When a righteous person dies, he goes into a place of
comfort and awaits the second coming of Christ at which time
he will come back with the Lord and his body will be raised
a. The righteous who are living when the Lord comes will
then also be changed.
2. When a wicked person dies, he goes into a place of torment
and awaits the second coming of Christ at which time he will
have the resurrection of damnation.
a. The wicked who are living when the Lord comes will also
at that time receive everlasting punishment.
B. In our next lesson, we will continue our study on "What happens
after death?"
Part 2
Intro. A. Since the beginning of time, men have sought the answer to the question, "What happens after death?" 1. Job said, "If a man die, will he live again?" Job 14:14 B. Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 2 Tim. 1:10 1. Thus, through Christ we can fully comprehend what will occur after men die. C. In a previous lesson, we learned: 1. When a righteous man dies, his soul is carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom in hades, a place of comfort. 2. When a wicked person dies, his spirit is placed in prison in hades, a place of torment. 3. The spirits will abide in their respective places until the second coming of Christ. a. At the second coming the righteous will come back with the Lord and their bodies will be raised incorruptible. b. The wicked will receive the resurrection of damnation. D. The next event which is to occur is the great judgment. I. THE JUDGMENT. A. The Scriptures plainly reveal that there will be a great judgment day which will occur at the second coming of Christ. 2 Tim. 4:1; Matt. 25:31-32 1. Thus, not only is it clear that there will a great judgment day, but it is plain that the judgment will take place at the second coming of Christ. a. We have already seen that the second coming of Christ marks the end of all things on earth. 2 Pet. 3:10 b. On that day, all men will stand before the Lord to be judged. Acts 17:30-31; 2 Cor. 5:10 B. Some have asked, "Why does God want a judgment if man's destiny is already set when he dies?" 1. They reason that if men are already in torment before the judgment, there is no need for a judgment. a. They argue that if men will not be convicted of their sins by being in torment, they'll not be convicted. b. Thus, they question whether or not the place of torment before the judgement actually exists. 2. Let me state plainly that just because one doesn't understand God's purpose for the judgment, it does not mean the place of hades does not exist. a. The place hades most certainly does exist and for one to say otherwise is to deny all those plain passage we have already considered--Luke 16:19-31; Luke 24:43; Acts 2:25-32; 2 Pet. 2:9. C. God has a definite purpose for having a judgment; He wants a great day of reckoning. 1. It will be a day of "revelation of the righteous judgment of God." Rom. 2:5 2. At that day, all men will receive the things done in the body. 2 Cor. 5:10; Eccl. 12:14 a. Christians do not keep a record of all their good works. (1) They endeavor to do good as they have opportunity and strive to not be weary in well doing. Gal. 6:9-11 (2) They lay up treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19) and store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come (1 Tim. 6:18-19) (3) Through the years they often forget the works of obedience they have done. (4) At the judgment they will be reminded of their good deeds. Matt. 25:34-36 b. At the judgment the wicked will be convinced of their unrighteousness. Jude 14-15 (1) Today many refuse to listen to the plain teaching of God's word. (a) They will not submit to it, rebel against it, and even blaspheme it. (2) However, in that great day the Lord will convince them. (a) They might not be convicted here, and they might not in hades, but they will be in the judgment. (b) In that day "every knew shall bow" and "ever tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Rom. 14:10-12; Phil. 2:9-11 D. So then, "What happens after death?" 1. The judgment! Heb. 9:27 a. On that day, the righteous will be reminded of their good works and will be told to enter into the joy of their Lord. b. The wicked will be convicted of their ungodliness and will be told to depart into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. II. HEAVEN AND HELL. A. After the judgment there will be two final states that will last throughout eternity--heaven and hell. 1. Rev. 20:11-15 gives a comprehensive view of what we have studied up to this point. a. In verses 11 and 12 John sees a vision of the great judgment. b. Verse 13 shows that all the dead came forth to be judged. The bodies of men come forth. The spirits of men come forth. c. Verse 14. After the judgment men will no longer be subject to death, and hades will not longer be needed; hence, they are destroyed. 1 Cor 15:56 (1) This again confirms that there is a temporary place where the spirits are retained until the judgment. B. The lake of fire or the second death is the eternal place of torment. 1. The term "hell" for this place in the Greek is always "gehenna" and never "hades." 2. Some of the descriptions of this terrible place are given in the following passages: Matt. 5:22; 13:43,50; 22:13; 25:30,41,46; Mark 9:45; 16:16; 2 Thess. 2:12; John 5:29; 2 Thess. 1:9. C. After the judgment the righteous go into a place of eternal bliss. 1. John's vision in Revelation continues by depicting the church in its glorified state. a. His vision encompasses all of chapter 21 and the first five verses of chapter 22. b. He uses many descriptive terms and figures all of which refer to the same, the eternal abode or the glorified state of the righteous. c. It is both a marvelous place and a glorified condition. 2. Some of the descriptions of this wonderful place are given in the following passages: Matt. 25:34,46; John 5:29; John 14:2; 1 Cor. 15:52-53; 2 Cor. 5:1; Col. 3:4; Heb. 11:10; 1 Pet. 1:4; 2 Pet. 1:11; 3:13. 3. Many of the above passages again sustain the place hades. a. Some try to claim that men go directly into heaven or hell when they die and they question whether or not the place hades is imaginary like Purgatory. b. However, the above passages show that the resurrection of the body, everlasting life, eternal glory, and heaven are all equivalent. (1) One does not receive the resurrection of the body, everlasting life and glory, until the second coming of the Lord in judgment. John 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:53-54; Col. 3:4; 2 Tim. 4:1 (2) Therefore, one does not receive heaven until that time. c. Purgatory is imaginary because it is not revealed in God's Word, but hades is plainly revealed in His Word. Concl. A. We now have the complete picture of what happens after death. B. When a righteous person dies, his soul or spirit is carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom, a place of comfort, paradise, in hades. 1. His body is buried back here on earth. 2. In hades he awaits the second coming of Christ at which time he will come back with the Lord and his body will be raised incorruptible and he will stand before the Lord to be judged. 3. The righteous who are alive when the Lord comes will also be changed and will stand before the Lord to be judged. C. When a wicked person dies, he goes into a place of torment where he is kept under punishment in prison in hades. 1. His body is buried here on earth. 2. In hades he awaits the second coming of Christ at which time he will have the resurrection of damnation. 3. The wicked who are living when the Lord comes will also receive everlasting punishment. D. At the second coming of Christ all men will stand before the Lord to be judged. 1. The righteous will be reminded of their obedience and will be told to enter into the eternal kingdom, which is eternal life, heaven. 2. The wicked will be convicted of their disobedience and will be told to depart into everlasting fire, which is the second death, hell. 3. At that time hades will be cast into the lake of fire, destroyed, for it will no longer be needed. 4. The second coming and the judgment will have been completed, and the only thing left to remain throughout all eternity is "heaven" the final abode of the righteous and "hell" the final abode of the wicked. E. In view of this, in the words of apostle Peter, "...What manner of persons ought ye to be in holy conduct and godliness...?" 2 Pet. 3:11