A. This is called the "Lord's Prayer"; yet, it was not a prayer
Jesus prayed.
B. Jesus did not say, "Pray this prayer" but "In this manner,
therefore pray."
1. It is not a prayer to be memorized and repeated over and
2. Jesus had just condemned the use of "vain repetitions."
Matt. 6:7-8
C. Let us analyze this prayer carefully. (See chart below)
I. God's Paternity: "Our Father in heaven." - vs. 9
A. This is a prayer for Christians, children of God.
1. One who is not a Christian could not rightfully address God
as his Father.
2. We are born into His family. John 3:5
3. In Galatians, Paul uses the figure of being adopted in God's
family. Gal. 4:4-6
B. We need to recognize and appreciate our relationship with God.
1 John 3:1
1. God is our Provider and Protector.
2. He sees all and knows all. Psalm 11:4-7
II. God's Person: "Hallowed be your name." - vs. 9
A. God's name is holy and must be revered by man. Psalm 111:9
1. "Hallowed" means "To render or acknowledge as holy."
2. His name or person is to be venerated and esteemed as holy.
B. In prayer, we acknowledge God's holiness.
1. We are to be holy as God is holy. 1 Pet. 1:14-16
III. God's Program: "Your kingdom come" - vs. 10.
A. It would be wrong for us to prayer "your kingdom come"
because His kingdom has already come.
B. He told His disciples, "Fear not little flock for it is the
Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32
C. Mark 9:1; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5,8; 2:1-4
1. The kingdom was to come with power.
2. They were to wait in Jerusalem to receive the power.
3. They would receive the power when the Holy Spirit came
upon them.
4. They received the Holy Spirit on the day of Penetcost.
5. Those blood-bought individuals in the kingdom (Col. 1:12-
14) are the blood-bought individuals who are the church
(Acts 20:28).
D. We can pray for the growth and well being of the kingdom.
1. Also, we can prayer for the eternal kingdom to come. Rev.
IV. God's Purposes: "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
-vs. 10.
A. God's will should have priority over our will.
1. Jesus prayed in the garden, "Not as I will, but as You
will." - Matt. 26:39
2. At times, it is very hard to say, "Your will be done, not
B. Doing God's will is God's purpose for us. Eccl. 12:13-14
1. Most of the world is not willing to do God's will. 1 John
2. At least we can be different, and be of those who do His
3. We must pray "Your will be done" and devote ourselves to
doing God's will.
V. God's Provisions: Give us this day our daily bread" - vs. 11.
A. The word "bread" is "a loaf made from grain."
1. Thus, we should pray for the basic necessities.
2. Many people do not have the basic food staples.
B. Notice that it says "Give us this day our daily bread."
1. Thus, we acknowledge that we are daily dependent upon
C. We should not go a day without thinking about God.
1. Some people go very long times without thinking about God.
Jer. 2:32
VI. God's Pardon: "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors" - vs. 12.
A. The word "debts" means "something owed or something due." It
also can refer to "faults or transgressions."
1. Luke used the word "sins" in Luke 11:4
B. Years ago, men would pray in their public prayers, "Forgive us
of sins of omission and sins of commission."
1. In a Bible class, a teacher asked his young students, "What
are the sins of omission?"
a. One young fellow said, "They are the sins which we
intended to commit, but never got around to it.
b. Sins of omission are the good things which we have
omitted. James 4:17
C. God forgives us just as we forgive others.
1. We need to forgive others who are indebted to us.
2. Consider the parable of the unforgiving servant. Matt.
VII. God's Protection: "And do not lead us into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one" - vs. 13.
A. The word "temptation" in the Greek refers to "trials or
testings of any sort."
1. When the translators thought the context referred to a
"trial to evil," they would put in the word "tempt," but if
the context referred to a "trail toward a good benefit,"
they would put in the word "trail."
2. God will not tempt one to do evil. James 1:13
3. God allows His people to be tested as He did Job.
a. Job was victorious in the end. James 5:10-11
B. We need to pray for strength to overcome the evil one.
1. Satan seeks to destroy us. 1 Pet. 5:8
2. We need to pray for the way of escape. 1 Cor. 10:13
VIII. God's Preeminence & Praise: "For yours is the Kingdom and
the power and the glory forever. Amen." - vs. 13
A. Again, prayer should render praise to God.
1. God is worthy. Rev. 4:11
A. Prayer is not a half-hearted exercise.
B. It is communication with the God of the Universe - Our Heavenly
C. Honor, reverence, praise and humility should attend our
D. Christians have confidence that God hears and answers their
Thy Model Prayer
God's Paternity: "Our Father in heaven." vs. 9
God's Person: "Hallowed be Your name." vs. 9
God's Program: "Your kingdom come." vs. 10
God's Purposes: "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
vs. 10
God's Provisions: "Give us this day our daily bread." vs. 11
God's Pardon: "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors." vs. 12
God's Protection: "And do not lead us into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one." vs. 13
God's Preeminence & Praise: "For Yours is the Kingdom and the
power and the glory forever. Amen." vs. 13