Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Goodness and Severity of God

Chart #1 

Goodness And Severity

Job - Job 42:10-17 Ten Spies - Num. 14:36-37
Jacob - Gen. 32:13-16 Gathering Sticks - Num. 15:32-36
Joseph - Gen. 41:50-52 Korah & Dathan - Num. 16:29-35
Joshua & Caleb - Num. 14:30 Canaanites - Joshua 10:11
Ruth - Ruth 4:11-13 Eli - I Sam. 4:17-18
Solomon - I Kings 3:9-14 Destruction of Jer. - Luke 21:22-24
Esther - Esther 7:4-6 Ananias and Sapphira - Acts 5:1-11
Paul - Acts 27:21-26 Herod - Acts 12:23


Chart #2 

"Behold the Goodness and Severity of God"

Rom. 11:22







Garden Blessings Adam & Eve Cast Out
Saved from Destruction Noah & His Family All Others Destroyed
Blessed - Riches Lot Sodom & Gomorrah Dest.
Saved from Furnace Three Hebrew Children Destroyed Solders
Saved from Lions Daniel Accusers Destroyed
Saved from Bondage Israelites Destroyed Pharoah
Saved by Grace People Today Will be Destoyed by Fire