By David J. Riggs

   A. "Think about people who find themselves in religious ruts. They
      discover a number of things about themselves. They will find   
      that they are getting older but not getting any holier. Time is
      their enemy, not their friend. The time they trusted and looked
      to is betraying them, for they often said to themselves, 'The  
      passing of time will help me. I know some good old saints, so  
      as I get older I'll get holier and better. Time will help me,  
      purify me and revive me.' They said that the year before last, 
      but they were not helped any last year. Time betrayed them.    
      They were not any better last year than they had been the year 
      before." (From in "Rut, Rot or Revival," by A.W. Tozer in      
      Christianity Today, Vol. 38, No. 3)
   B. It is certainly true that some of us are not getting any better
      spiritually as we get older.
      1. We need a revival, a renewed zeal, a determination to do
      2. Let us recognize the challenges before us.
      3. Let us lay out our strategy and follow it faithfully.
   C. We continue our study on ways to improve.

   A. 1 Thess. 5:17-18; Luke 18:1
      1. We need to establish good prayer habits.
      2. We need to pray at all times and patiently wait on the Lord.
         Psalm 27:14; Isa. 40:28-31
      3. Through prayer we can continually resort to a place of
         strong refuge. Psalm 71:3 
   B. Knowing how to pray can be more difficult than it might seem.
      1. One of Jesus' disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray.
         Luke 11:1-4
         a. His prayer in verses 2-4 has all the ingredients for an
            acceptable prayer: adoration, spiritual requests,        
            physical requests, prayer for forgiveness, and asking for
            help in daily living.
      2. Jesus followed with the parable of the persistent friend.   
         Luke 11:5-8
      3. He continued by encouraging us to pray. Luke 11:9-13
      4. This was written by a seventeenth century Frenchman by the
         name of Francois Fenelon: "Tell God all that is in your     
         heart, as one unloads one's heart, its pleasures and its    
         pains, to a dear friend. Tell Him your troubles, that He may
         comfort you; tell Him your joys, that He may sober them;    
         tell Him your longings, that He may purify them; tell Him   
         your dislikes, that He may help you to conquer them; talk to
         Him of your temptations, that He may shield you from them;
         show Him the wounds of your heart, that He may heal them;
         lay bare your indifference to good, your depraved tastes for
         evil, your instability. Tell Him how self-love makes you
         unjust to others, how vanity tempts you to be insincere, how
         pride disguises you to yourself and to others. If you thus
         pour out all your weaknesses, needs, troubles, there will
         never be any lack of what to say." (From Strengthening
         Your Grip, by Charles Swindoll).  

   A. The works of the flesh manifest themselves in many ways. Gal.
      1. Paul lists 17 works of the flesh and then adds "and such
      2. Peter said that fleshly lusts war against the soul. 1 Pet.  
      3. The carnal mind is enmity against God and brings forth
         death. Rom. 8:6-7,13
   B. The Christian keeps the works of the flesh under control by
      walking according to the Spirit. Rom. 8:1; Gal. 5:16
      1. The Christian crucifies the flesh with its affections and   
         lusts. Gal. 5:24
      2. He uses strong discipline to control the desires of the     
         flesh. 1 Cor. 9:27
   C. What areas do we need to improve in?
      1. Perhaps there is some sinful habit that we need to conquer.
         a. Are we spending too much time on pleasure, having
         b. Are we guilty of gluttony, smoking, or social drinking?
         c. Are we guilty of sinful language?

   A. The Christian finds happiness "in the Lord." Phil. 4:4; Col.   
      1. When we are rooted and grounded in the Lord, many of the
         worldly things will take care of themselves. 
      2. Even though our earthly life may be full of heartache, pain,
         and trouble, we always have reason to rejoice because of our
         spiritual blessings. Eph. 1:3
         a. According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary,
            the word "worry" comes from an old English word
            which means literally "to choke or strangle."
         b. Truthfully, that's what worry does to us. It chokes and
            strangles us, leaving us in a miserable, depressed
         c. Worry is a self-imposed curse which can be avoided.
      3. Someone has rightly said, "If it's bad enough to worry      
         about, it's bad enough to pray about." Phil. 4:6-7
      4. "Every day of your life is a gift from God. Don't waste it  
         by being angry with anyone. Don't let it slip away by       
         feeling sorry for yourself. Be grateful for this precious   
         gift of life, and spend it by being as happy and as thankful
         as you possibly can. Let your mind dwell on the good things 
         which have happened to you. Let gratitude be your attitude. 
         Think of your assets, and don't let anyone else spoil your  
         day for you. Enjoy every day of your life to the fullest.   
         Realize that you can add to the joy of each day by making   
         someone else happy." (Author unknown)

   A. We need more love in our marriage relationships. Eph. 5:33;
      Titus 2:4
      1. We need to show appreciation for our spouses.
      2. This is from a letter to Ann Landers. "Dear Woman: Your
         husband became greatly enamored of me because I paid
         attention to him, which obviously you haven't done in quite
         some time. I mean real attention, complete with
         conversation and verbal recognition of his extraordinary
         qualities. I made him feel alive and important. He believes
         you prefer the company of your sisters, your mother, and
         your women friends to him. When you need a man's
         viewpoint, you ask your father. I am not going to see your  
         husband again, lady, because he likes me too much already,  
         and I am no home wrecker. But I believe you should take a   
         good, hard look at that wonderful man of yours, and come up 
         with some evidence of appreciation - before you lose him."  

         (Letter to Ann Landers, via The Challenge Of Being A Wife,  
         p. 68-69) 
      3. Parents need much love for their children.
         a. Children are a wonderful gift from God. Psalm 127:3-5
         b. We must do our best in the early years because our
            children soon grow up and leave home. Eph. 6:4: Prov.
            13:24; 22:6
         c. Consider the love of the father in the parable of the
            prodigal son. Luke 15:17-23
         d. In a small town in Spain, a man named Jorge had a bitter
            argument with his young son Paco. The next day Jorge
            discovered that Paco's bed was empty. He had run away
            from home. Overcome with remorse, Jorge searched his
            soul and realized that his son was more important to him
            than anything else. He wanted to start over. Jorge went
            to a well-known store in the center of town and posted a
            large sign that read, "Paco, come home. I love you.
            Meet me here tomorrow morning." The next morning Jorge   
            went to the store, where he found no less than seven     
            young boys named Paco who had also run away from home.   
            They were all answering the call for love, each hoping it
            was his dad inviting him home with open arms. (From "A   
            3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul")

   A. We all have a responsibility in this matter. 2 Tim. 2:2; 1 Pet.
      1. We are the "servants" who are to go out in the highways and
         hedges and compel people to come in. Luke 14:23
      2. The fields are already white for harvest. John 4:35
      3. Let us do our best in leading people to Christ, and let us  
         pray for more laborers in this great work. Matt. 9:37-38
   B. The wise man said - Prov. 11:30.
      1. Daniel added - Dan. 12:3. 
         a. Saving souls is the greatest work that can be done, and
            all Christians should give much time and attention to it.
         b. No greater or more enduring work can be undertaken.
      2. This is entitled "Am I a soldier of the Cross," and was
         written in 1724 by Isaac Watts.

         Am I a soldier of the Cross, a follower of the Lamb; 
         And shall I fear to own His cause, or blush to speak His
         Must I be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease, 
         While others fought to win the prize, and sailed through
         bloody seas? 
         Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood?
         Is this dark world a friend of grace, to help me unto God? 
         Sure I must fight if I would reign. Increase my courage,
         I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, supported by Thy word. 

   A. Let us recognize the challenges before us.
   B. Let us resolve, first, to be devoted, dedicated followers of   
   C. Let us then lay out our strategy and follow it faithfully.

Ways To Improve
Increase our spiritual mindedness.
Attend every service.
Store our minds with Scripture.
Promote love among our brethren.
Become better stewards of our money.
Learn to pray more.
Continue to avoid the works of the flesh.
Be a happy people rejoicing in the Lord every day.
Improve our family relationships.
Seek to lead a soul to Christ.