By David J. Riggs
A. Belshazzar was weighed in the balances and found wanting. Dan.
B. If God was to weigh us in His balances, how would we stand?
1. Would we be found with a surplus or would we be found
C. It is good from time to time to resolve in our hearts to
improve in various things.
1. The Psalmists often prayed for a revival. For example, Psalm
85:6 says, "Will You not revive us again, that your people
may rejoice in You?"
2. We often need a revival. We need to improve ourselves.
3. This is especially true in things which we might be lacking.
4. It is good for all us to set basic goals (goals that we can
actually meet) and work toward them.
D. In this lesson we suggest some ways in which we can improve.
A. We should enrich our minds with proper thinking. Phil. 4:8
1. Someone once said, "We should not make a sewer out of our ears,
and a septic tank out of our hearts."
2. Our world readily provides a sewer and septic tank for all
who want them.
B. One of the reasons God destroyed man in Noah's day was
because the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually. Gen. 6:5
1. Indeed, the heart is very hard to control. Jer. 17:9
2. We must bring every thought into captivity to the obedience
of Christ. 2 Cor. 10:5
3. We need to set our minds on things above. Col. 3:1-2
4. We need to mediate on spiritual things. Psalm 19:14
a. Let us strive to develop a spiritual vocabulary, speaking
words of edification which minister grace to the hearers.
Eph. 4:29
b. Consider the words of Boaz and how his servants
replied. Ruth 2:4
5. Those who are spiritual are more respected among their co-
a. Some people might contend that religion has no place in
the office, but a recent study proves otherwise. It might
be to your advantage, the study concludes, if you
profess your religious beliefs rather than keep silent
about them. Professionals who actively expressed their
religious beliefs were perceived to be more intelligent,
more trustworthy, more moral, and better adjusted than
those who did not. (From Roger Bailey and Philip
Doriot, via Pulpit Helps)
A. Of course, this will not apply to most because they already
attend every service.
1. For some reason unknown to me, some are not attending on
Sunday nights and Wednesday nights.
2. For those who are unfaithful in this matter, can you think
of a better way to improve during the coming year?
3. It is our duty to attend every service. Heb. 10:25
B. A preacher was once asked to define "Faithful Attendance at
Worship," and this was his reply: "If your car started one out
of three times, would you consider it faithful? If the paperboy
skipped Thursdays and Sundays, would they be missed? If you
didn't show up at work two or three times a week, would your
boss call you faithful? If your refrigerator quit a few days
now and then, would you excuse it and say, 'Oh, well, it works
most of the time.' If your water heater greets you with cold
water one or two mornings a week while you are in the shower,
would it be faithful? If you miss several mortgage payments in
a year's time, would your mortgage holder be pleased? If you
miss worship and attend meetings only often enough to show
you're interested, but not often enough to get involved, are
you faithful?" (From Illustrations Unlimited, by James S.
Hewett, p. 87, slightly adapted)
C. The water spider lives at the bottom of muddy pools and has the
distinctive power of ascending to the surface of the pool and
there surrounding itself with a tiny bubble of air. Thus
enveloped, it descends to the sludge and ooze at the bottom of
the pool and remains there unsullied by its environment until
the air is exhausted. Then it rises again to the surface and
the process is repeated. (From Illustrations of Bible Truths,
Compiled by Ruth Peters, p. 66)
1. Likewise, Christians find rejuvenation by worshiping
regularly with the saints. Through Bible study, worship, and
fellowship with those of like precious faith, they can
continue to be unsullied by the hostile environment of the
A. We all need nourishment for our souls, just as we need
nourishment for our bodies. Matt. 4:4
1. A study of the Scripture will build and increase our faith.
2. The Scriptures produce patience, provide comfort, and give
hope. Rom. 15:4
B. Diligent Bible study seems to be a rare commodity today.
1. It is a lost heirloom, time worn, and out of date.
2. A preacher in a Meeting mentioned that he stayed in the
home of an elder who didn't open his Bible during the whole
C. Let us all determine and resolve to store our minds with
Scripture. Psalm 1:1-3; James 1:25
1. Bible study can be intriguing and challenging. Let us find a
workable study plan, and stick with it.
2. A man had three sons. He wanted to test their ability to
discern; so he gave each of them a piece of an apple with a
rotten spot on it. The first ate the whole thing; the second
threw the whole thing away; and the third separated the bad
and ate the good. The father noted that the third was the
wisest, and explained, "When we receive instruction, some of
us believe everything we hear; others reject everything
because some is bad; but the wise separate the bad from the
good and benefit from the good." (Author Unknown)
A. God commands us to love one another fervently with a pure
heart. 1 Pet. 1:22
1. Above all else, we should have fervent love for each other.
1 Pet. 4:8; Col. 3:14
2. Love is one of the identifying characteristics of the Lord's
disciples. John 13:34-35
B. One way to show love is to be alert to the needs of others.
1. Will we be like those on the judgment day who said, "Lord,
when did we see you..." Matt. 25:41-46
2. Often, we do not see the needs of others because we are not
alert; we do not notice when they have needs.
C. May the Lord help us to increase and abound in love. 1 Thess.
1. We should remember the love of Christ, and try to do
likewise. 1 John 3:16
2. A man driving on a dark highway one night accidentally
stuck a hitchhiker who had been near the roadside. Hearing
the sickening thud on his front fender, he stopped to see
what had happened. When he saw the injured fellow on the
ground, he wanted to jump into his car and drive away. But
as he started toward his car door, the injured man moaned,
"For the love of God, help me!" The driver resisted the
fearful temptation and returned to help.
a. Because of the love of God, let us love others.
A. Let us work to arrange things in our lives so that through good
stewardship we will have extra to give to those who have need.
Eph. 4:28
1. Laboring for this purpose, to be able to give to the needy,
is certainly an excellence taught only in the Scriptures.
2. Often, it is through poor stewardship of our money that we
barely have enough to make ends meet, much less, extra that
we can give to those who have need.
B. It is very easy to get entangled in money endeavors which
hinder our service to God. Luke 8:14
1. Money often comes between us and God. Someone has said
that you can take two coins and shut out the view of the
landscape. Go to the mountains, and just hold two coins
closely in front of your eyes. The mountains are still
there, but you cannot see them because the coins are
shutting out your vision. Similarly, it doesn't take large
quantities of money to come between us and God. Just a
little can shut out the proper vision for spiritual things.
C. I am not encouraging one to become a miser, as one who hoards
up for that "rainy day," which never seems to come.
1. God wants us to enjoy the fruits of our labors. Eccl. 5:18
2. However, it is very easy to place undue interest in money.
3. Jesus said that we cannot serve God and mammon. Matt.
a. Consider Prov. 23:4-5.
A. Belshazzar, an evil king, was weighed in the balances and found
1. He was slain that very night and his kingdom was given to
B. Let us seek to improve in these various ways (chart below) so
that we will not be found wanting before God.
1. May God help us to improve, to do better, that we might
measure up to what He requires of us.
Ways To Improve
Increase our spiritual mindedness.
Attend every service.
Store our minds with Scripture.
Promote love among our brethren.
Become better stewards of our money.
Learn to pray more.
Continue to avoid the works of the flesh.
Be a happy people rejoicing in the Lord every day.
Improve our family relationships.
Seek to lead a soul to Christ.