By David J. Riggs

   A. As Christians, we must be on constant guard against the forces 
      of evil.
   B. The Bible often warns us to not be deceived.
      1. The most tragic of all deceptions is when we have deceived
         a. If an outside source deceives us, perhaps that same
            outside source can correct us, or perhaps we can correct
      2. However, if we are self-deceived, correction is far more
   C. There are five passages in the New Testament, that I know of,
      which instruct and warn against deception.
      1. Let us examine them.

   A. Men have always had the problem of flaunting their own wisdom.
      1. Prov. 3:5-7; 26:12; Isa. 5:21; Rom. 12:16
         a. Many people are very opinionated nowadays.
         b. "Many people want to shave their own opinions down
            your throat in the nicest way possible!"
   B. Often men think they are so wise they can calculate all things 
      for themselves.
      1. The Israelites thought they knew what the future held. Jer.
      2. When people profess themselves to be wise, they become
         fools. Rom. 1:22-25
      3. A person must become a fool (he must realize that he knows
         very little) to be wise (to be acceptable to God). 1 Cor.   
   C. Men often think they are wise enough to plot their own course  
      in religion.
      1. Jer. 10:23; Prov. 16:25
      2. In January, 1987, the U. S. Army disposal unit at Fort      
         Bliss, Texas, sold several crates at an auction to scrap    
         dealer Pedro Salas in Juarez, Mexico. When Mr. Salas got    
         back to his scrap yard, he found a live rocket inside one   
         crate. Checking further, he found another rocket, and       
         another. Finally, he had discovered 23 live, high-explosive 
         missiles designed to be fired from helicopters, capable of  
         spraying thousands of fragments on detonation. How did such 
         potentially dangerous munitions end up being sold inside    
         "empty" crates? An investigation revealed that a young      
         lieutenant had signed a statement that he had inspected the 
         crates and that they were empty. Because of that false      
         statement, the lieutenant's career may be over, the U. S.   
         government was embarrassed, and worst of all, human lives   
         were endangered. (From Dan Ames) 
      3. The young lieutenant, instead of closely examining, made a
         false assumption, and suffered bitter consequences.         
         Likewise, many people today, instead of carefully           
         investigating, assume that their religion is in God's word. 
         If they would only investigate, they would see that their   
         religion is not in the Bible at all. Because of their false 
         assumption, the damage done to souls will be far greater    
         than that done by the young lieutenant.

   A. James uses the illustration of one looking into a mirror.
      1. If he looks into the mirror and makes no necessary changes
         (cleans his face, combs his hair), it will do him no good.  
         So it is with the one who looks into the law of liberty and 
         does nothing.
   B. Only those who do the will of God will be saved. Matt. 7:21-27
      1. First, we must not only hear, but obey, to become a
         Christian. Luke 8:12; Heb. 5:7
         a. "Faith only" will not save. No doubt many of those who
            profess the "faith only" doctrine really don't believe   
            it, because they do attend worship services in their     
            various denominations.
         b. It they truly believed in "faith only," there would be no
            need to do anything.
      2. Next, we must not only hear, but we must be active in living
         the Christian life.
         a. There are thousands of church members today who
            attend services and hear the word of God preached, but
            go away and never make any response to the word.
         b. The Israelites had this problem. They became lukewarm,
            and indifferent. Their hearts were not in their service  
            to God.
            (1) The worship became a wearisome task to them.
                Mal. 1:13
            (2) They were interested in doing whatever they
                wanted to do on the Sabbath day. Neh. 13:15-21
               (a) Today, many members of the church do whatever they
                   want to do instead of attending worship.
      3. If one thinks he's pleasing to God by hearing the word only,
         he deceives himself.

   A. When one says "I have no sin," he is in sin by his false       
      assumption and pride.
      1. Sin has its many deceptions. Heb. 3:13
      2. One of the greatest deceptions is, "sin is not sin."
         a. How could one confess his sin, if he does not know it is
      3. Several years ago, one of Norman Rockwell's paintings on
         the cover of the Saturday Evening Post was the painting of a
         woman buying a Thanksgiving turkey. The turkey was on the
         scales and the butcher was standing behind the counter. The
         customer, a lady of about sixty, stood watching the         
         weigh-in. Each had a pleased look on their faces. A quick   
         glance at the painting shows nothing unusual going on.      
         However, a closer look shows what they are doing with their 
         hands. The butcher is pressing down on the scales with his  
         thumb while the woman is pushing up with her finger.
         a. Both of these people would say there is nothing wrong
            with a little deception. Both would resent being called a
            thief, but that is exactly what they are.
      4. Another great deception is thinking we can sin and still get
         a. Consider Gal. 6:7-8; Eccl. 8:11; Deut. 29:19-20
         b. Some people can commit the worst kinds of
            abominations, and still think they have not committed
            evil. Jer. 7:8-10
         c. One may not be detected or punished for his sins in this
            life, but he will in the next. Eccl. 12:14; 1 Cor. 6:9-10
      5. Anytime we realize we have sinned, we need to repent. 1
         John 1:9; Prov. 28:13

   A. We need "humbleness of mind." Col. 3:12
      1. Rom. 12:16 - The KJV and ASV has the word "conceits"
         which means "an excessive appreciation of one's own worth
         or virtues."
      2. Pride is a strong deceiver. Obad. 3; Prov. 18:10-11; 16:18
      3. While campaigning for the presidency in August 1928,
         Herbert Hoover said, "We are nearer to the final triumph
         over poverty than ever before in the history of any land.   
         The poorhouse is vanishing from among us. We have not yet
         reached the goal, but we shall soon be in sight of the day
         when poverty will be banished from this nation." Americans
         found Hoover's words highly gratifying, and he was elected
         by a landslide. Less than a year later, however, the stock
         market crashed, beginning the Great Depression.
   B. When we become over-confident in our spiritual strength, we are
      ready to fall. 1 Cor. 10:12; Mark 14:27-30
      1. Let us walk in all humility before God and men.

   A. The "religious" person mentioned in James 1:16 is a worshiper  
      of God.
      1. James had already shown that hearing without "doing" brings
         no profit.
      2. He now shows that "doing" without "controlling one's
         tongue" makes one's worship vain.
   B. The misuse of the tongue is one the greatest and most wide-
      spread weaknesses. James 3:2-6
   C. What gossip does:
      1. Gossip perpetuates lies that ought to have died. Prov. 16:27
      2. Gossip assassinates character and makes innocent people
         suffer. Prov. 18:8
      3. Gossip stirs up contention and strife. Prov. 26:20-22
      4. Gossip reveals a lack of brotherly love. Prov. 11:13
      5. Gossip destroys friendships. Prov. 16:28; 17:9
      6. Gossip is a ugly, ungodly, deceitful, and self-destructive
         habit that must be repented of and replaced with words that
         edify. Prov. 12:18; Eph. 4:29
   D. One evening, while waiting for a bus, a man was standing with a
      crowd of people looking in the window of a taxidermist shop. In
      the center of the window was a large owl that attracted the
      attention of all who passed by. The self-appointed expert began
      to criticize the job done on it. "If I couldn't do better than 
      that," he said pompously, "I'd find another business. Just look
      at it. The head is out of proportion, the pose of the body is  
      unnatural, and the feet are pointed in the wrong direction."   
      Just then the owl turned his head and gave the fellow a broad  
      wink. The crowd laughed as the critic embarrassingly slipped   
      1. "If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect
         man, able to bridle the whole body as well." (James 3:2

   A. The Christian should regard "self" in many respects as his     
      greatest enemy, greater than Satan and this world, for these   
      must have cooperation from "self" in order to conquer.
      1. Self is the only thing (or person) which can separate us    
         from God.
      2. Thus, "self" can be our most powerful and deadly enemy.
      3. When we recognize "self" as a potential deadly enemy, it
         causes us to be on guard.
      4. Summarize the main topics in the following chart.


Over-evaluation of our own wisdom - 1 Cor. 3:18-19a

Being hearers only - James 1:22-25

Saying we have no sin - 1 John 1:8

Thinking we are stronger than we are - Gal. 6:3

Not bridling our tongues - James 1:26