by Murray Wade
We are members of the Oak Ridge church of Christ. We call ourselves Christians (Acts 11:26) and we hold to the Bible as our one and only Truth. Church of Christ is a biblical description of Christians who work together for the cause of Christ (Romans 16:16). We are independent assemblies with no organization beyond our own number as described in Philippians 1:1. There are Christians across the world who work with local congregations of God's people such as described in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Christians are members of Christ's body, which is also known as His Church (Acts 2:47, Ephesians 5:23). Our mission is to stand for God's truth (the gospel) and teach it to all people (Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 1:16, 1 Timothy 3:15). We are accountable to our one and only Head Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18).
An inclination for or against something or someone that inhibits impartial judgement. Bias, prejudice, one-sidedness, favoritism, etc.. Also, acting as if one person is more important than another. Here are some verses from the New Century Version that can help us define the word partiality.
Deuteronomy 1:17 "When you judge, be fair to everyone (not show partiality); don't act as if one person is more important than another, and don't be afraid of anyone, because your decision comes from God. Bring the hard cases to me, and I will judge them."
Deuteronomy 16:19 "Do not judge unfairly or take sides (show partiality). Do not let people pay you to make wrong decisions, because that kind of payment makes wise people seem blind, and it changes the words of good people."
2 Chronicles 19:7 "Now let each of you fear the LORD. Watch what you do, because the Lord our God wants people to be fair (no partiality). He wants all people to be treated the same, and he doesn't want decisions influenced by money."
Proverbs 24:23 These are also sayings of the wise: It is not good to take sides (show partiality) when you are the judge."
Acts 10:34 Peter began to speak: "I really understand now that to God every person is the same (shows no partiality)."
Romans 2:11 "For God judges all people in the same way (no partiality)."
Ephesians 6:9 "Masters, in the same way, be good to your slaves. Do not threaten them. Remember that the One who is your Master and their Master is in heaven, and he treats everyone alike (no partiality)."
Colossians 3:25 "But remember that anyone who does wrong will be punished for that wrong, and the Lord treats everyone the same (there is no partiality)."
1 Timothy 5:21 "Before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels, I command you to do these things without showing favor of any kind to anyone (doing nothing with partiality)."
James 2:1 "My dear brothers and sisters, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, never think some people are more important than others (with partiality)."
James 3:17 "But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest (without partiality)."
1 Peter 1:17 "You pray to God and call him Father, and he judges each person's work equally (without partiality). So while you are here on earth, you should live with respect for God."
JAMES 2:1-13
James tells us that we should not treat people differently (i.e., look upon them, see faces) because of their wealth or social status. We live in a world of clicks in the office, clicks on ball teams, clicks of parents, clicks of the wealthy, clicks of the "in crowd", clicks in the community, and sometimes sadly clicks in churches. The ones that usually get the attention in these groups are the ones with social status, nice clothes, jewelry, money, or nice cars; are popular, class clowns, good looking, or privileged socially and politically. Many times the ones not in the "in crowd" are not even noticed or overlooked. However, James 2:10-13 in context, shows that these are not the ones that should mercy but rather the poor.
Christians are asked to care for all equally, regardless of their status in life (Proverbs 22:2, 29:13, Matthew 5:43-48).
James 1:9-11 - Riches fade away
Mark 10:21-24, 1 Timothy 6:6-11, 17-19 - Those who are rich toward God share and do not trust in riches.
Luke 12:13-21 - The rich fool was not rich toward God.
Luke 12:30-34 - This passage shows that gambling would be wrong.
2 Corinthians 8:1-9 - The Macedonians were big on sharing and giving even though they were poor. They followed the example of Jesus; "You, through His poverty, might become rich."
Judgement is coming and will be based on what we have done, not on our social status, gender, or skin color.
Romans 2:16 - All will be judged according to the gospel.
Romans 14:10-12 - We shall all stand before the judgement seat of God and give an account of ourselves.
2 Corinthians 5:9-11 - All must appear before the judgement seat of God and will be judged based on what he or she has done.
Ephesians 6:8 - Whatever good one does, he will receive the same from the Lord.
Galatians 3:26-29 - Those who have put on Christ in baptism will be heirs of the promise.
Colossians 3:1-6, 23-25 - God will reward the faithful and repay the evildoer without partiality.
1 Peter 4:4-6 - All will give account, those who are spiritually dead as well as those who are spiritually alive.
Revelation 20:11-15 - At judgement, those whose names are not written in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire.
Christians are fair to all people. There is too much partiality in this world today. It is obvious that the world is moving away from Christ. Man's focus is to be on treasures in Heaven not on treasures of earth (Matthew 6:19-21). Whether you are wealthy or high on the social ladder or one who is poor in riches, you all will be judged by the God who shows no partiality. Something we do not think about is the fact that even a poor man can be serving the idol of riches. We see this many times when people buy lottery tickets. But God demands all to serve Him, not worldly riches (Matthew 6:24). One day the world we know will be destroyed. On judgement day, where will you be? Will you be welcomed to Heaven or condemned to Hell. It will not matter what riches you have gained in this life or what click you belonged to, but whether you were rich toward God. See you next time on, "Speaking the Truth in Love".