By David J. Riggs

   A. We are living in a loose and lascivious age.
      1. There is a swarm of immodesty on the streets, in the movies,
         and on television.
   B. Modest Apparel is one of those subjects that needs to be taught
      often by all teachers and preachers of God's word.
      1. A faithful older Christian once said, "There are some       
         subjects that we need a lesson on every year." This is      
         definitely one of them.
   C. This subject is not one that is to be laughed at, scoffed at,  
      or made light of.
      1. Not only should the preacher preach on it often, but also   
         the older sisters are responsible before God to teach the
         younger. Titus 2:3-6
      2. They should set a good example and teach the younger the
         divine principles that relate to this subject.

   A. After Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to clothe themselves.    
      Gen. 3:7-11
      1. Their aprons of fig leaves apparently were not enough. Gen.
         a. God intends that our bodies be clothed.
         b. A Christian could not be a member of a "nudist" or
            "near-nudist" colony.
   B. Under the Old Testament they were to be fully clothed.
      1. They wore long flowing robes. Deut. 22:11-12; Num. 15:37-
      2. Men and women were to be distinguished from each other.
         Deut. 22:5
         a. It is a shame when our young men cannot be
            distinguished from our young ladies or vice versa.
         b. "Effeminacy" is condemned in the N.T. 1 Cor. 6:9
            (1) "Effeminate" means "soft to touch...a male who
                submits his body to unnatural lewdness" (Thayer),
                "having marked womanlike traits of character"
         c. Thus, men should avoid women's traits (clothing, hair
            styles, etc.) and women should avoid men's traits
            (clothing, hair styles, etc.)

   A. The Christian woman should examine her clothing under the
      following divine principles.
      1. Chaste. 1 Pet. 3:1-6
         a. A basic definition for the word "chaste" (vs. 2) is      
            "pure, holy, modest, decent."
         b. The ladies are not to rely on outward appearance for
            their attractiveness, but on the unseen virtues of the
            heart. (Vs. 3-6)
      2. Modest. 1 Tim. 2:9
         a. The word "modest" means, "orderly, well-arranged,
            decent, respectable." It is an outward sign of an inward
            chastity or purity.
         b. Thus, in choosing what to wear, the first question the
            Christian woman must ask herself, "Is it modest"? If it  
            is questionable, she cannot wear it. Rom. 14:22-23
      3. Shamefacedness. 1 Tim. 2:9 (Shamefastness, ASV)
         a. The word "shamefacedness" means, "a sense of shame,
            bashful, blushing, ashamed." Hence, she is conscious of
            that which could bring shame or disgrace, and avoids it.
         b. The godly woman would be ashamed if her clothing were
            not right.
         c. The Israelites in Jeremiah's time were at the point where
            they could not be ashamed or blush. Jer. 6:16; 8:12
         d. Clothing which exposes too much of one's body should
            cause shame and blushing.
         e. Our young girls need to be taught early in age what is
            shameful and what is not; otherwise, they will not be
            ashamed to wear immodest clothing.
      4. Sobriety. 1 Tim. 2:9
         a. The word "sobriety" means, "using good, sound
            judgment; good sense."
         b. There is nothing worse than a beautiful woman without
            discretion. Prov. 11:22; 12:4
            (1) A beautiful woman without good sense can cause
                much embarrassment to the righteous.
      5. Professing godliness. 1 Tim. 2:10
         a. The word "godliness" means, " be devout; denotes
            that piety which, characterized by a Godward attitude,
            does that which is well-pleasing to God." (Vine).
         b. One young lady said that she sought out the most godly
            women she knew, and looked at what they wore, and
            followed their example. We could reverse this--avoid
            wearing that which the ungodly women wear.
      6. Free from lasciviousness.
         a. A basic definition of the word "lasciviousness" is,
            "wanton, lewd, tending to produce lewd emotions;
            having or producing unlawful sexual desires."
         b. Lasciviousness is a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:19
         c. If the clothing a woman wears draws attention to the
            intimate parts of her body, she is wearing lascivious
         d. Shorts, halters, bathing suits, bikinis, transparent
            blouses, very tight knit blouses, skin-tight slacks, the
            mini shirts, and such like are apparel which draw
            attention to the secret parts of a woman.
         e. When Mary Quant, the designer of the mini skirt, was
            interviewed, she said, "This apparel is typical of a
            woman trying to seduce a man." (See Mary Quant,
            mother of the mini skirt in McCalls, March, 1970).
   B. Christian women must recognize and obey the divine principles.
      1. If her clothing is not in accord with the divine principles,
         she sins whether she has evil intentions or not.
         a. She needs to realize that she lives in a world with men
            and needs to know something about men.
         b. It is true that when a man "looks" and "lusts," if he    
            does not repent, he will be lost. Matt. 5:27-28
         c. However, if she encourages lust by her scanty attire,
            whether intentionally or unintentionally, she sins. 1    
            Cor. 8:12; Matt. 18:7-9
         d. Christian women, are you willing to be responsible for
            the downfall of a man by exposing your body to him?
   C. Bear in mind that the principles which apply to women         
      regarding modest apparel, also apply to men. Men's clothing    
      must be in accord with the divine regulations.
      1. Men should be careful to dress in such a way as to not cause
      2. Furthermore, the Christian man must stay away from night
         clubs, beaches, corrupt movies, reading and looking at
         certain magazines, and certain TV programs where
         lasciviousness is running rampant.
         a. Christian men, are you deliberately placing yourselves in
            jeopardy? 1 Thess. 5:22
   D. When men and women recognize the divine principles and put
      them into practice, their clothing will be modest and free from

   A. "What may be modest in one country may not be in another
      and vice versa."
      1. Men of any country aren't that much different from each
         another. Acts 17:26
         a. They all know what parts of the body are sexually
      2. God's principles are not limited to geographical boundaries.
         a. Some barbaric tribes may not dress properly, but as
            soon as they learn God's principles, they will change.
   B. "I can't help it if others have a filthy mind."
      1. Of course, a man could lust after a woman and the woman
         not be at fault.
      2. However, if she is not following the divine principles, she
         sins as well.
         a. In reality, by her immodest clothing she shows that she
            is the one with the filthy mind. She wants to make an
            impression on others, but it has an opposite effect on
            the righteous; she makes a degrading impression.
   C. "The weather calls for it--it's more comfortable."
      1. If it is lascivious in the summer, it is lascivious in the  
         a. If it would be all right at the swimming pool, it would  
            be at the church services.
         b. The Bible knows no such limitations as place and time.
            God's principle applies anywhere, anytime.
      2. Women need to realize that if they are exposing their       
         bodies, men will be watching.
         a. There is almost no privacy. For example, at Auburn
            University, some college girls were nude-sun-bathing on
            top of the girls' dorm and helicopters from a nearby army
            barracks began coming over in great numbers.
   D. "It is fashion; everyone else is wearing them."
      1. Very small children begin making this argument. It is the
         time for much teaching.
      2. Christians are not to be "fashioned" according to this      
         world. Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 6:14-18
   E. "My husband likes it."
      1. Much of the blame for lascivious clothing can be placed on
         the heads of the households.
      2. The father is the head of the house (Eph. 5:22-23) and needs
         to demand that his wife and children wear modest clothing.
      3. A Christian husband can buy his wife "sexy" clothes if he
         wishes. This is a part of marriage that the Bible encourages
         husband and wife to enjoy. Eccl. 9:9 However, to insist that
         she wear them in the presence of other men is sinful.
         a. If a wife has a husband that requires this, she ought to
            say, "I will obey God rather than man." Acts 5:29

   A. May our Christian women wear apparel that demonstrates a meek
      and quiet spirit in all godliness and purity.
      1. May they ever keep the divine principles before them and
         obey them.
      2. Proper clothing must be: chaste, modest, with
         shamefacedness, with sobriety, processing godliness, free
         from lasciviousness.
   B. May our older ladies continually teach our younger.
      1. Young ladies, if you have doubt concerning what you are
         about to wear, ask that godly mother, aunt, grandmother or
         whoever. They will not lead you astray.
      2. Young men, if that young lady who you are dating comes
         out in immodest clothing, say to her, "Please don't wear
         a. By doing this, you will be building a lasting, wonderful
Chart #1
What Shall I Wear? #1
Consider the law of God:
1. Is my clothing chaste? 1 Pet. 3:1-6
2. Is it modest? 1 Tim. 2:9
3. Does it bring shame or embarrassment? 1 Tim. 2:9
4. Is it in accord with good judgment? 1 Tim. 2:9
5. Does it profess godliness? 1 Tim. 2:10
6. Is it free from lasciviousness? Gal. 5:19

Chart #2
What Shall I Wear? #2
Consider these divine principles: 
1. Will it violate my conscience? Rom. 14:23
2. Will it cause others to lust?  Matt. 5:27-28; Gal. 5:19
3. Will this action cause the weak brother to stumble? I Cor. 8:12;  
4. Will it hinder my influence? 2 Cor. 3:2; Rom. 14:7
5. Will this action take me among evil companions? 1 Cor. 15:33
6. Does it interfere with my friendship with God? James 4:4
7. Would Jesus do it?  Luke 9:23
8. How does this course of action seem after I've prayed about it?   
   Col. 4:2; Rom. 12:12

Chart #3
What shall I Wear #3
Some Oft-heard Excuses For Wearing Scanty Attire: 
1. What may be modest in one country may not be in another.
2. What may be modest in one place may not be in another.
3. The weather calls for it; it's more comfortable.
4. It's the fashion; everyone else is wearing them.
5. I can't help it if others have a filthy mind.
6. My husband\mother likes it.