In this lesson we want to try to answer the question, "Who is the Holy Spirit?".
A. The Holy Spirit is eternal (Heb. 9:14)
B. The Holy Spirit is omniscient (all knowing, all seeing, all wise) (1 Cor. 2:10-12)
C. The Holy Spirit is omnipotent (all powerful, almighty) (Micah 3:8, Luke 1:35)
D. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent (present in all places at all times) (Psalm 139:7, 2 Cor. 13:14)
A. He is deity as are God the Father (1 Cor. 8:6) and God the Son (John 1:1)
B. Names given the Holy Spirit
1. Spirit (Mark 1:10; Rev. 2:11, 17, 29)
2. Holy Spirit (Ghost) (Matt. 1:18)
3. Spirit of God (Matt. 3:16)
4. Spirit of Truth (John 14:16-18)
5. The Comforter (Helper) (John 14:26)
6. Holy Spirit of God (Eph. 4:30)
7. Eternal Spirit (Heb. 9:14)
8. Spirit of Grace (Heb. 10:29)
9. Spirit of holiness (Ro. 1:4)
10. Spirit of life (Ro. 8:2)
11. Spirit of Christ (Ro. 8:9)
12. Our Guarantee (Eph. 1:13-14, 2 Cor. 1:22, 5:5)C. Some things that the Holy Spirit did
1. Created (Gen. 1:1-2, 26)
2. Scattered the people at the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:7-9)
3. Conceived Jesus (Matt. 1:18-20)
4. Appeared as a dove (Matt. 3:16)
5. Led the apostles (Acts 16:6-7)
6. Confirmed the Word (Heb. 2:1-4)
7. Salvation comes through the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:4-7)
A. Reveals (Eph. 3:1-7)
B. Knows, searches (1 Cor.2:7-13)
C. Works, wills (1 Cor. 12:11)
D. Commands (Acts 13:2)
E. Teaches, instructs, reminds (Neh. 9:20, John 14:26)
F. Convicts the world (John 16:7-11)
G. Guides, hears, speaks, glorifies (Jn 16:13-15)
H. Bears witness and agrees with the Father and Son (John 15:26, Romans 8:16-17, 1 John 5:6-8)
I. Can be grieved (Eph. 4:30-32)
J. Can be insulted (Heb. 10:29)
K. Moves men (2 Peter 1:20-21)
L. Is Truth (John 14:17, 1 John 5:6)
M. Seals (1 Cor. 1:22, Eph. 1:13)
N. Gives life (Gal. 6:8)
O. His name and authority converts (Mt. 28:19)
P. Produces new birth (John 3:3-5)
Q. Given to believers (John 7:39, Acts 2:38, 5:32, 1 Thes. 4:8)
R. Makes intercession to help believers (Ro. 8:26-27)
S. Comforts (Ro. 15:13, Acts 9:31)
T. Can be quenched (1 Thes. 5:19)
U. Brings sanctification (2 Thes. 2:13-14)
V. Can be lied to (Acts 5:1-11)
W. Directs (Acts 15:28)
X. He washes, sanctifies, and justifies in the name Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Jn. 5:6-8)
(1) QUESTIONS (Use scriptures in your answers)
1. After studying all these scriptures about the Holy Spirit, why do you think some Christians do
not talk about Him very much?
2. Is the statement, "The Holy Spirit does not act separate and apart from the Word", true or
false? Give reasons for your answer.
3. If we do not understand something completely about God (in this case the Holy Spirit) do we
still need to believe what the Bible says? Also give some Bible examples of people who did not
understand the will of God, but had faith in Him and did what he asked them anyway.
4. Can we give honor and praise to God the Holy Spirit? If so how?
Webster's definition of miracle is an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in
human affairs. Vine's expository dictionary defines miracle as works of a supernatural origin and
character, such as could not be produced by natural agents and means. In this lesson we want to
explore the divine supernatural events recorded in the New Testament and why they occurred
(Matt. 11:4-6, Acts 2:43).
A. Healing the sick (Matt. 8:1-3, Acts 5:12-16, 19:11-12, 28:8-9)
1. Lame to walk (John 5:1-15, Acts 3:1-8, 14:8-10)
2. Blind to see (Matt. 9:27-31, Luke 18:35-43, John 9:1-12)
3. Healing by His Word (Matt. 8:5-13, 15:21-28)
4. Deaf and speechless (Mark 7:31-37)
B. Feeding the 5,000 (Matt. 14:15-21)
C. Walking on the water (Matt. 14:22-33)
D. Power over weather (Matt. 8:24-27)
E. Catch fish (Luke 5:1-11, John 21:5-7)
F. Casting out demons (Matt. 8:28-34, 9:32-34)
G. Raising the dead
1. Lazarus (John 11:1-44)
2. The widow of Nain's son (Luke 7:11-17)
3. The Ruler's daughter (Luke 8:49-56)
4. Tabitha/Dorcas (Acts 9:36-42)
5. Eutychus (Acts 20:9-12)
H. Prophesying and speaking in Tongues (Acts 10:44-46, 19:1-7, 1 Cor. 14:27-33)
I. Holy Spirit directed preaching (John 14:26, 16:13, Acts 2:14, 4:8, 7:55-56, 13:9-12)
A. Produced by God
1. God (Acts 15:12)
2. Christ (Matt. 10:1, Acts 2:22)
3. The Holy Spirit (Matt. 12:28, Heb. 2:4)
B. Jesus gave the Power to the Apostles and others (Matt. 10:1, John 14:12, Luke 10:1-24)
C. Apostles gave the power to others (Acts 8:12-20, 1 Cor. 2:10-16, 2 Tim. 1:6)
D. Ananias gave the Holy Spirit to Paul (Acts 9:17-18)
A. Purpose fulfilled
1. Confirm the Word; the gospel (Mark 16:15-20, Heb. 2:1-4)
2. Produce belief (John 4:46-54, 12:42, 20:30-31, Luke 5:1-11, Acts 9:42, 13:12)
3. Glorify God (Matt. 9:1-8, Luke 18:43, Acts 3:6-10)
B. No doubt from witnesses (Matt. 8:14-17, 9:35, Luke 13:17, Jn 2:23, 3:2, Acts 4:13-16, 5:12-16)
C. Event happened immediately (Matt. 8:3, 20:34, Luke 8:44, 13:13, Acts 9:40)
D. Some wanted to kill (John 5:16, 12:9-11)
Holy Spirit to reveal all Truth John 16:12-14, Eph. 3:1-5 Miracles to confirm Mark 16:17-20 2 Corinthians 12:12
All SPOKEN Acts 20:20-27 |
Holy Spirit directed 2 Peter 1:16-21
SPOKEN and WRITTEN 2 Thessalonians . 2:15 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 |
Faith once delivered Jude 3
Word confirmed Hebrews 2:1-4, Mark 16:20
Miracles no longer needed
Now All WRITTEN John 20:30-31 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
(2) QUESTIONS (Use scriptures in your answers)
1. Was there any doubt when a miraculous event in the NT happened? Is this different than the
events you see today? Explain your answer.
2. Do we need miraculous events today? Explain your answer.
3. How long did it take for the miracle to take effect? How long did the effect last?
4. Do we still have miracles today? If so, how are they different or similar to those we have just
5. In what way can we seek God's intervention today?
6. Could Stephen (Acts 6:8) or Philip (Acts 8:6-13) pass on the miraculous powers since they
had the powers? How do we know?
Many today say that they must be baptized directly in the Holy Spirit. What they mean is that they
miraculously will be given the power to speak in tongues, prophesy, and perform miraculous
healings. Let us see what the Bible has to say about baptism(s) of the Holy Spirit. Study the
outline below and be ready to discuss the questions following.
A. Direct baptism of the Holy Spirit
1. Scriptural Facts
a. This type of baptism was a promise, not a command (Matt. 3:11, Acts 11:16)
b. Christ would send the promise of the Father upon them (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-5)
c. This baptism would fulfill the prophecy of Joel (Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:15-21)
d. This baptism was from heaven and can't be given by man (Luke 24:49, Acts 2:1-4)
2. Examples (Only two cases of this recorded in the Bible!)
a. Jews (Apostles and possibly others) on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2)
b. Gentiles (Acts 10:44-48. 11:15-17) - notice called the "gift" as in Acts 2:38
B. Holy Spirit baptism through the laying on of the Apostles Hands
1. Only the Apostles could do this (Acts 8:14-18); no one else could pass this on to others. The one exception to this is Ananias when he gave the Holy Spirit to Saul/Paul (Acts 9:17-18)
2. In this way the disciples could have the miraculous blessings of tongues, knowledge, healing etc. (Acts 8:4-8, 1 Cor. 14:1-14)
3. Examples
a. Samaritans (Acts 8:14-17)
b. The 12 Ephesians (Acts 19:1-7)
C. The Purpose of the Miraculous Holy Spirit Baptisms
1. Guide the Apostles and those they laid hands on into all truth (John 14:26, 16:13)
2. Give the Apostles and others the miraculous powers (Acts 1:4-5, 8, 2:4, 42-43)
3. Confirm the message (Mark 16:17-20, Heb. 2:1-4)
4. Convince the Jews that repentance had been granted to the Gentiles (Acts 11:15-18)
5. Provide prophecies, tongues, and knowledge to disciples until that which was perfect had come
(1 Cor. 13:8-11, 2 Tim. 3:16-17)
A. One baptism today (Ephesians 4:5, 1 Peter 3:18-21)
B. This baptism is commanded for the remission of our sins (John 3:5-8, Acts 2:38, 22:16)
C. This baptism is in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:18-20)
*Here, at baptism, we begin our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
D. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit
[note: we will dig deeper into this in the next class"Spiritual Indwelling"]
1. We now are born of the Spirit (John 3:5-8, 1 Cor. 12:12-13)[just like when we begin our relationship with Jesus (Gal. 3:26-27) and He then dwells in us (Galatians 2:20, John 6:36, 14:23, Ephesians 13:14-21)]
2. We begin walking in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-18)
3. At baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39, 5:32)
4. We are to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18-21, 1 Cor. 6:19)
(3) QUESTIONS (use scriptures in your answers)
1. Do we have demons today?
2. If Miraculous Holy Spirit baptism, like occurred in Acts 2 and Acts 10, was required for
salvation, would that make God a respecter of persons? Read John 11:49-53, Acts 10:34-35, 2
Peter 3:9 before you answer.
3. Were those in Cornelius' house saved after they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Give
reasons for your answer.
4. Do we need to be baptized in Jesus today? Please explain your answer.
5. Do we need to be baptized in the Father today? Please explain your answer.
6. Do we need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit today? Please explain your answer.
7. Who was the Holy Spirit promised to? Please explain your answer.
God (2 Cor. 6:16) and Christ Dwell in Christians (Col. 3:16-17, Eph. 3:14-21). Both dwell in us
through obedience to the Word (John 14:19-24, II John 9). The Holy Spirit dwells in us in the
same way (Romans 8:9-17). These three are united (1 John 5:6-8). The Word of God is what is
more powerful than any of the miraculous events or gifts we have studied previously.
A. The WORD Created All (Gen. 1, Ps. 33:6-9, Heb. 11:3)
B. Jesus the WORD (John 1:1-14)
C. Overcame Satan with the WORD (Mt. 4:3-11)
D. The Holy Spirit guides FOREVER through the Word (Jn. 14:15-18, I Cor. 13:10, Jude 3,
2 Tim. 3:16-17)
E. Now Christians have the WORD that is more powerful than miraculous gifts
(Romans 1:16, Eph. 6:17-18, Heb.4:11-13)!
A. The Holy Spirit and Jesus intercede as we pray to God (Romans 8:26-39, Heb. 7:22-25)
B. God is active, cares, and is there to help us (1 John 5:14-15, Phil. 2:12-13, Col. 1:29)
C. If we choose to follow, God will direct our ways and establish our hearts (1 Thes. 3:11-13)
D. The Holy Spirit has been poured out through Jesus Christ on His disciples (Titus 3:4-7)
A. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in total agreement (1 John 5:6-8)
B. Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, dwell in the people of God (Ro. 8:1-11, Eph.2:17-22,
1 Cor.3:16-17, 6:19, 1 John 3:24, 4:13)
C. The child of God dwells in God (1 John 4:15-16)
D. Jesus prayed for all believers to be united with God (John 17:20-26)
E. Indwelling is to Walk in the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16-26)
(4) QUESTIONS (use scriptures in your answers)
1. Make a list of people from the Bible who were filled with the Holy Spirit.
2. Can a Christian sin when he is being led by the Holy Spirit?
3. Do we have anything we must do before the Holy Spirit will dwell within us? See Romans
4. How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit today?
5. How can we walk in the Holy Spirit today?
Some thoughts on the "Gift of the Holy Spirit" of Acts 2:38
Many preachers and teachers have claimed that "the gift of the Holy Spirit" mentioned in Acts
2:38 is the promise of eternal life. Nevertheless, when one studies other scriptures (Acts 8:20,
10:45, 11:17, Romans 5:5, 1 Corinthians 2:12, 2 Timothy 1:6, 1 John 3:24, and 4:13) we can
see that the gift is more than the promise of eternal life. Eternal life is included in that great gift
(Romans 6:23). However, many of these scriptures refer to the gift as the miraculous powers of
the Holy Spirit and others talk about the Holy Spirit who was given. Passages such as Romans
8:1-11 speak of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers. Other passages such as Galatians
5:16 talk of the Christian walk in the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 teaches how we are to be filled with
the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:26-28 refers to the Holy Spirit interceding in the prayers of Christians.
This intercession involves help when we pray, understanding, wisdom (James 1:5), and help for
anything that comes along in life (I John 5:14-15).
Certainly the promises that the Holy Spirit reveals to us are part of the gift. In fact, He (the Holy
Spirit) is our guarantee of these things as written in 2 Corinthians 5:5 and Ephesians
1:13-14and 4:30. The same applies to the gift Christians have in Jesus Christ (Romans 5:18,
Galatians 2:20) and the gifts that come from God (Ephesians 2:8).
When you put it all together, we can understand that the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38would
include the promises of eternal life, the Word (including the signs that confirmed the Word in the
first century), the Holy Spirit Himself in the same sense we are given Christ, and the assistance of
the Holy Spirit in our lives.
A study of the gift of the Holy Spirit offers a good illustration of how Christians truly are blessed with innumerable blessings from God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Christians should appreciate these gifts and be thankful always for them. We, as preachers and teachers, need to proclaim the gospel that promises these wonderful gifts when one obeys (2 Corinthians 9:15, Ephesians 3:20)!