Faith defined: confidence in the testimony of another.
I. Define from scripture: Hebrews 11:1-3
A. Faith is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)
B. Produced by hearing the gospel (Romans 10:17)
C. Faith comes from the Heart (Romans 10:9-10)
II. Examples
A. Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-15)
Naaman takes advice from his servants, obeys the words of the Lord's prophet, and humbles himself in obedience by doing exactly what was commanded. As a result of his obedience he is completely healed of his leprosy!
B. Gideon (Judges 7:7, 8:10, Hebrews 11:32)
After making sure the commands were from God, Gideon put His faith in God, who helped him and 300 men conquer 120,000!
C. Abraham (Heb. 11:17-19, Romans 4, Hebrews 11:8-10)
Abraham took all his family, left his own country for a strange land, and was willing to offer his only son of promise; all because of his tremendous faith in His Creator!
D. Noah (Gen. 6-9, II Peter 2:5, Hebrews 11:7)
Noah had so much faith that he built an ark exactly as God instructed him to (Genesis 6:22) and prepared for a flood resulting from rain (maybe he never even saw rain before) (Genesis 2:5-6).
III. Kinds of Faith
A. Saving or working (Romans 10:9-10, James 2:18, 22)
B. Temporary (Luke 8:13)
C. Intellectual (James 2:19)
D. Dead (James 2:17, 20)
IV. The Importance of Faith in a Christian's Life
A. Live by (Romans 1:17)
B. Walk by (II Corinthians 5:7, Romans 4:12)
C. Pray by (Matt. 21:21-22, James 1:5-6)
D. Resist evil by (Ephesians 6:16)
E. Overcome the world by (I John 5:4-5)
F. Justified by and given access to His grace (Romans 5:1-2)
G. Causes rejoicing (II Thessalonians 1:3, I Peter 1:6-7)
I. Build oneself up in the Lord (Colossians 2:5-7, Jude 20-21)
CONCLUSION: How do we know Naaman, Gideon, Abraham, and Noah had faith in God? We see their faith by their actions! They believed in God even when they did not understand. Then they acted on their faith. Bible Faith is one of action (James 2:14-26). Galatians 3:26-29 tells what action you need to take! Have you put on Christ in baptism tonight? If not, you are not one of the faithful of God, not a child of Abraham, and not a Christian! What is holding you back? The Lord wants you to obey so you will not perish (2 Peter 3:9-15).