25 Questions To Ask Myself As A Christian

By Murray Wade

1. Can I honestly read passages such as Matthew 6:33; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 5:11; 10:57-62; John 21:15-19; Hebrews 10:24-39; James 4:17; or 2 Peter 3:9-14 and come to the conclusion that work or work related activities are acceptable reasons to miss the assembly? The same question would apply to school or school related activities or family or family related activities, etc.

2. Do I show my co-workers, neighbors, or class mates a Christian who is seeking first the Kingdom of God, when I miss the assembly myself for things not as important as the Lord?

3. Will I be effective in converting my friends and neighbors to the Lord if they do not see me putting Him first in my life?

4. Does my influence with my bible class students increase or decrease when I miss teaching their class to go to work or to miss the class for some other worldly activity?

5. What am I teaching young people and weak Christians when I forsake the assembly for work-related, hobby-related, school-related, me-related, etc. activities?

6. Can I give a chapter and verse to explain to my brethren or my bible class students why it is pleasing to God for me to miss the assembly for a job related activity?

7. Is my example to brethren, young people, neighbors, co-workers, or classmates, what it ought to be when I miss the privilege to worship because I choose rather to do worldly activities? (1 Timothy 4:12-16).

8. Do I have the faith I ought to have in Jesus, when I choose a job that requires me to miss the privilege of assembling with Him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit?

9. Do I have the love I ought to have for Jesus, when I choose a job that requires me to miss assembling with Him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit?

10. Does it deeply grieve me to miss assembling with the saints and the Lord?

11. Do I encourage, stir up love and good works, or edify my brethren when I miss a privilege to assemble as the Lord has commanded?

12. Can I ever gain back the spiritual growth I have lost from choosing to miss assembling even one time? (2 Peter 3:18)

13. Do I have a lack of faith in Jesus if I do not think I can find a job that will allow me to not miss assembling with the saints (Proverbs 3:5-6).

14. Do I lack faith in Jesus if I do not stand up for Him and my belief in Him when my employer requires me to miss the assembly with the saints? (Acts 5:29)

15. Do I choose to miss assembling for certain things, because at those times they are more important to me than the Lord?

16. If my attitude is that it does not really matter if I miss the assembly once in a while, will I be diligent to teach my friends about Jesus?

17. Does my forsaking the assembly, even one time, show something about my love for Christ and His dying for my sins?

18. If I have an attitude that I will never to choose to forsake the assembly, will I be more stirred up to love and good works toward my brethren and my fellow man?

19. Am I an encouragement or a discouragement to my brethren if I choose to miss the assembly?

20. If I choose to miss the assembly once in a while, am I as dependable as I ought to be?

21. Do I have the proper attitude toward suffering for my Savior when I do not want to suffer by taking a stand for Him or suffer by not choosing a job or activity that will require me to miss assembling in His name even one time? (2 Corinthians 4:17; Romans 8:18; Acts 5:41)

22. If I do not take a stand for the Lord with a job or worldly activity, will I ever be able to offer my life freely for Him? (Acts 21:13; 1 John 3:16)

23. Will I be acceptable to my Father in Heaven, if I forsake the assembly?

24. Am I acting like Jesus or Paul would, if I choose to take a job or be involved with activities that require me to forsake the assembly?

25. Each time I choose to miss the assembly of the saints, who has won: Jesus or Satan?