Book of Ruth (Adults)

Chapter 4

Lesson written by Mark Gateley

Brief Review of Chapter 3



Study Questions on Chapter 4


1. Why did Boaz sit down at the gate?




2.   Whom did Boaz assemble together at the gate?





3.   Why did Naomi have to sell Elimelech’s land?





4.   What facts about the land did Boaz bring to the attention of the near relative?





5.  What was the response of the near relative regarding the land?  





6.  What additional responsibility came with redeeming the land?  





7.  Explain how the near relative might have jeopardized his inheritance by taking Ruth for a wife.





8.  What solution to his dilemma did the near relative offer?





9.  Is there any other record of the “custom of the sandal” recorded in the Scriptures?





10.   After the deal was struck with the near kinsman, what proclamation does Boaz make?  What reasons does he give for his actions?





11.    What was the reaction of the witnesses?





12.    Describe the happy outcomes of the marriage between Boaz and Ruth.





13.    What blessings did the women proclaim to Naomi?  





14.    Give the meaning of the name “Obed.”





15.    Describe how we today are blessed by Naomi, Ruth and Boaz’ righteousness and kindness towards one another, and by their honoring of Elimelech, Chilion and Mahlon.





16.    Who was Perez and where else in Scripture do we read of him?





17.    What did you learn from each of the following while studying the Book of Ruth:

       a.       Tribulation

       b.      Faith

       c.       Love

       d.      Adoption

       e.       Compassion

       f.        Redemption

       g.       Destiny