Revelation (Adults)

Chapter 5

Lesson written by David Riggs and Murray Wade

Read this chapter and answer the questions below.



1. What is mainly involved in chapter 5?




2. The scroll is sealed with how many seals?




3. Describe, in detail, the one who was worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?




4. List the “sevens” in this chapter? Does this mean anything?




5. What happened when the Lamb had taken the scroll?




6. What are the golden bowls full of incense?




7. Write out the song that was sung by the four living creatures and the 24 elders.






8. Write out what the angels, the living creatures, the elders, and the ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands said with a loud voice.





9. Write out what every creature in Heaven and on earth said.






10. What two things happen in verse 14?




11. What important lesson for all men is taught in this chapter?