Numbers (Adults)

Numbers Chapters 27:1-11; 36

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Chapters 27:1-11; 36

Check your reading:

  1. Who were the daughters of Zelophehad and what was their concern/complaint?

  2. What was the ruling? Who gave the ruling and why?

  3. What was the concern/complaint of the family leaders of the descendants of Gilead?

  4. RESEARCH:  What is the Jubilee?  How many Jubilees have there been to this point in time in the history of the Israelites?

  5. What was the ruling? Who gave the ruling?

  6. What the daughters of Zelophehad do as a result?

Class Discussion

  1. Should we have concerns/complaints about following God’s word today?  If a concern/complaint does occur, what should be done?