Numbers (Adults)

Numbers Chapter 7

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Chapter 7

Check your reading:

  1. What did the tribal leaders present as an offering?

  2. What was the distribution of the offerings?

  3. What where the dedication gifts that each tribe leader brought?  What was the total of the
       dedication gifts?

  4. How did God speak to Moses?

       Bonus:  Where did we see God declare he would speak in this way?

Class Discussion:

  1. The Kohathites did not receive any oxen or carts since they had no need because their
       responsibility was service related to the holy objects carried on their shoulders. In 1 Samuel
       6 and 1 Chronicles 13 in great excitement to serve the Lord, this logic was ignored because
       the law was forgotten.  Can we in our excitement to serve the Lord make similar errors today?