Numbers (Adults)

Numbers Chapter 35

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Chapter 35

Check your reading:

  1. What were the Levites to receive from the people?  What was it to be used for?  How big was it to be?

    Bonus:  How have the Levities obtained possessions?

  2. How many cities of refuge were there to be?

  3. How many cities would the Levities obtain?

  4. What were the cities of refuge?  Where were they to be?

  5. Who was the avenger?  Who was the manslayer?

  6. What was done once the manslayer reached the city of refuge?

  7. In what cases would the manslayer be found to be a murder?

  8. Who was to be the judge?

  9. What was the “sentence” if the manslayer was found innocent of murder?  How long did this “sentence” last?  What was not to be accepted?

  10. What was the sentence for a manslayer found guilty of murder?  What was not to be accepted?

  11. What would pollute the land?  Why was the land not to be polluted?

Class Discussion

  1. Can we as Christians today pollute the land?

  2. Should we push for similar “city of refuge” laws to be placed into effect in our country?