Numbers (Adults)

Number Chapter 12

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Chapter 12

Check your reading:

  1. Research:  Who was Miriam?

  2. Research: Who was the Cushite woman?

  3. Why did Miriam and Aaron speak out against Moses? (2 reasons)

  4. How did God confront Miriam and Aaron?

  5. What punishment was received?

  6. Who interceded on Miriam’s behalf and what was the outcome?

  7. When did the Israelites set out again?  Where to?

Class Discussion

  1. What is a potential motive that Miriam and Aaron spoke out against Moses?  Why do you think this?

  2. God defends Moses when his leadership is challenged.  Miriam and Aaron were simply speaking against Moses.  What can we learn from this event and apply to our lives today?