Matthew (Adults)

Chapter 14 Questions

Lesson written by Nick Angel


1. Why was John imprisoned by Herod? (use other accounts for more detail)


2. Describe the attitude of Herod towards John.


3. Give the account in your own words of the situation involving the daughter of Herodias and what sins/principles are involved?



4. What was Jesus’ reaction to the news of John’s death and what did He do next?


5. What was Jesus’ feeling towards the multitudes and what did He end up doing for them?



6. From other Gospel accounts, why does Jesus “immediately” send His disciples on the boat and the multitudes on their way?


7. What did Jesus do after sending the multitudes and His disciples away? What can we learn from this?


8. Why does Peter begin to sink?



9. What is peculiar about the healings of vv. 34-36 and do they remind you of any other healing(s)?