Matthew (Adults)

Chapter 10 Questions

Lesson written by Nick Angel


1. List the 12 apostles that Jesus chose to be with Him during His ministry and list the powers which He gave them.



2. What is the major difference between the instructions of vv. 5-6 and the instructions of ch 28:18-20?



3. List the conditions and rules that the apostles were to abide by during their preaching and teaching.




3. Find some examples of Jesus’ warnings to the apostles coming to fruition in vv. 16-20.



4. Be prepared to discuss the harmony of vv. 21-26 & 34-37 (how they work together)



5. vv. 27-33 & 38-39 carry an idea of a fear of God and boldness before men, is there a temptation for God’s people to hide their faith from the world?



6. What is the point of Jesus’ teaching in vv. 40-42? (this is intentionally vague so we all have to dig a little deeper to understand the meaning)