Leviticus (Adults)

Chapters 25-26

Lesson written by Kevin Johnson

Chapter 25

1. What were the Israelites to do with their lands every seven years?

2. How were they to support themselves for that year?

3. When was the fiftieth year (the year of Jubilee) to start?

4. How did the year of Jubilee affect their real estate transactions?

5. What did God promise for the sixth year (year before the land Sabbath)?

6. Why must the land not be sold permanently?

7. How did the Jubilee affect houses in walled cities?

8. How did the Jubilee laws differ for the Levites?

9. What laws regarding usury does God set forth here?

10. How were they to treat fellow Israelites who had become servants?

11. How did that law apply to a sojourner who owned an Israelite?

12. What reasoning does God give for these laws of servitude?

Chapter 26

1. What types of idolatry are expressly forbidden here?

2. In verse 2, what corollary commandment is given to keeping the Sabbath?

3. Name the blessings God promises them for obedience to the Law. (Group them into concepts instead of just listing them).

4. Name the consequences which He promises for disobedience.

5. In the case of disobedience, what could the Israelites do for redemption?