Joshua (Ages 12 to 15)

Chapters 1 and 2

Lesson written by Daniel Wade

Joshua 1 and 2


1.     Try and find a map of the area that the Lord told Joshua to take the children of Israel to.



2.     What did God tell Joshua to do/be in order for the people to take possession of the land?




3.     To what tribes did Joshua give specific instructions? What were some of those instructions?




4.     What was the penalty for anyone who did not obey the commands of the Lord and Joshua?




5.     What are applications that we can take away from chapter 1?




6.     Where had Rahab hidden the 2 spies? (be specific)




7.     What things did Rahab say to show her faith in the Lord?




8.     Who or what besides Rahab was to be delivered?




9.     What did the spies tell Rahab to do in order for them to keep their oath?




10. What was the report that the spies brought back to Joshua?




11. What are applications that we can take away from chapter 2?