Jeremiah (Adults)

Lesson 6 - The Way of Man

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Lesson 6 – The Way of Man


To see the results of following the way of man.

Base Text

Jeremiah 9-10

Check your Reading

  1. What were the people lacking in their dealing with each other?

  2. What will God do to this people because of this lack?

  3. “Why is the land ruined and laid waste like a wilderness, so that no one passes through?” (ESV)

  4. What is coming to those who are circumcised merely in the flesh?  Why?

  5. What is an idol like?  What can it do?

  6. What happened to the shepherds’ flock?  Why?

  7. According to Jeremiah, what had the people who do not call on God’s name done to Judah?

Class Discussion

  1. What were the people lacking in their dealing with each other?  How can this destroy a people?

  2. God sets up a contrast—what should be boasted and what should not be boasted (Jeremiah 9:23-24), Jeremiah says “I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.” (ESV Jeremiah 10:23) meditate on these thoughts and share some of your insights.

  3. God condemns those who are merely circumcised in the flesh and not also of heart.  Though we do not circumcise for religious purposes today (do we?), can we be guilty of the same?  How (show a possible contrast)?