Genesis (Adults)

Genesis Chapters 29-31

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Base Text: Genesis 29-31

Check your Reading

1.       Why were the flocks of sheep gathered at the well?

2.       Where did Jacob travel to?

3.       What was Rachel doing?

4.       What did Jacob do when he saw Rachel?

5.       What arrangement did Jacob and Laban work out?

6.       What were Laban’s daughter’s names and how are they described?

7.       What is said of the time Jacob worked for Rachel?

8.       Who was given to Jacob instead of Rachel and why?

9.       What new deal was arranged?

10.   How long from the time Jacob met Rachel till the time they married?

11.   Which wife did Jacob love most?

12.   Why was Leah’s womb opened?

13.   Why did Jacob become angry with Rachel?

14.   What are mandrakes?

15.   Why did Laban want Jacob to stay?

16.   What arrangement did Jacob ask from Laban regarding the flocks?

17.   What did Jacob do to ensure he prospered in the arrangement?

18.   What complaints did Laban’s sons have against Jacob?

19.   What was Jacob’s answer for why he prospered?

20.   What did Rachel take from Laban’s house?

21.   When did Laban notice Jacob had left?

22.   When did Laban catch up to Jacob and what warning did he receive from God?

23.   How long had Jacob been with Laban?

24.   What was the breakdown of that time?

25.   What was the name of the mound?

Class Discussion/Research

1.       Jacob has four ‘wives’ (at the same time).  What is God’s opinion of this marriage relationship?

2.       What are names of the sons of Jacob and who is their mother?  Do we see anything about the family by the meanings of their names?

3.       Was Jacob wrong to leave Laban?  Was Jacob justified in his fear of Laban’s potential actions?  Did the two part as friends?

4.       How are the circumstances surrounding Jacob marring Leah ironic?