Genesis (Adults)

Genesis Chapter 20:1-22:19

Lesson written by Brian Andrews

Base Text: Genesis 20:1-22:19

Check your Reading

1.       Chapter 20 starts out “from there Abraham traveled to…”, where was there?

2.       Where did Abraham travel too?

3.       What did Abraham say about Sarah his wife?

4.       Who took Sarah?

5.       What was the conversation between God and Abimelech?

6.       Who was to pray for Abimelech?

7.       How did Abimelech’s servants react?

8.       What did Abimelech say to Abraham?

9.       What three things did Abraham answer Abimelech?

10.   What did Abimelech do next?

11.   What happened when Abraham prayed for Abimelech?

12.   When did Sarah become pregnant?

13.   What was the child named and what occurred on the 8th day after his birth?

14.   How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?

15.   What did Sarah say about Isaac’s birth?

16.   What occurred at Isaac’s weaning feast?

17.   What request did Sarah make in response to Abraham?

18.   The request was hard for Abraham, what did God say to Abraham?

19.   What did Abraham do early in the Morning?

20.   What did Hagar do and say when she and Ishmael ran out of water?

21.   What did Abimelech want from Abraham?

22.   Once the treaty was made, what did Abraham name the area?

23.   How long did Abraham live in the land of the Philistines?

24.   Where was Abraham to take Isaac and what was he to do there?

25.   How long was the trip to Moriah?

26.   What did Abraham tell his servants when he saw the mountains?

27.   What did Isaac notice they were missing?

28.   What did Abraham respond?

29.   What did the Angel of the Lord say to Abraham?

30.   What did Abraham sacrifice in Isaac’s place?

Class Discussion

1.       This is the second account of Abraham instructing Sarah to tell people she is his sister, the ruler of the land taking Sarah to be their wife, the ruler being punished, and the ruler then making Abraham prosper.  Is the repeat of this action without recorded condemnation and Abraham being prospered evidence that Abraham’s actions were right in the sight of God?

2.       Twice in this section, “early in the morning” was given as the time frame for when Abraham acted to fulfill God’s requests.  What can we learn from this?

3.       Did God know if Abraham was going to fulfill his request to sacrifice Isaac?

4.       How old was Isaac when he went to Moriah?

5.       What spiritual state do we see of Abraham in this section?