Genesis (Adults)

Creation vs. Evolution Part II: Apparent Age

Lesson written by Jeff Smelser


Material for Creation vs. Evolution created by Jeff Smelser

Part II            Apparent Age


1.       Geology is supposed by many to provide evidence of a very old earth. For example, "fossil fuels", i.e., fuels that are supposed to have been formed in the earth from organic matter (plant or animal remains). Fossils are remnants, traces, or impressions of living organisms left in the earth's crust. Of course, for these to turn into coal, oil, or natural gas (fossil fuels) would take a very long time. This leads to the conclusion that the earth is very old. Do you see the presupposition in this logic?

2.       Read Genesis 1. At the end of the third day, how old were the various plants?

3.       Were you to see a plant exactly like those described in verse eleven and twelve, say for example, a pear tree with pears on it, how old would it appear to be to you?

4.       At the end of the fifth day, how old were the birds?

5.       Were you to see a bird exactly like those described in verse 20, say for example, a Robin flying across your lawn, how old would it appear to be to you?

6.       How old were the first man and the first woman at the end of the sixth day?

7.       According to verse Genesis 1:28, with what responsibility were the first man and woman charged?

8.       Did the first man and woman appear to be considerably older than they actually were?

9.       If God created vegetation, animals, and man, such that they all appeared mature, could he not have also created the earth, and the entire universe to appear mature, and thus much older than in actually is?