Exodus (Adults)

Chapters 1 and 2

Lesson written by Daniel Wade

Exodus Intro

1.      1. What are some significant events that occur in the book of Exodus?



2.      2. What is the theme(s) of the book of Exodus?




3.      3. What is the significance of the book of Exodus to us today?





Chapters 1 and 2 Discussion

1.      1. What is meant by the phrase "who did not know Joseph?" Is this phrase used in reference to others in the Scriptures?





2.     2. What were the concerns Pharaoh had about the children of Israel?





3.      3. What evidences do we see that God is with Israel?





4.     4. Did God condone lying in vs. 19-20?




5.      5. How did the Israelites make the best of their situation?




6.      6. What insights do we get about Moses's family?




7.      7. Was Moses raised in a situation like other Hebrew children?




8.      8. What ultimately caused Moses to flee?




9.      9. Is Gershom the son of Moses mentioned anywhere else in the Scriptures?




10.  10. What's the significance of vs. 23-26 to the rest of Exodus?