Deuteronomy (Adults)

Chapters 29-30

Lesson written by Kevin Johnson

Chapter 29

1. What miraculous things had occurred during the Israelites’ forty years in the wilderness?

2. Who had they already conquered? To which tribes was the land given?

3. To whom did Moses say he was speaking?

4. From verses 18 and 19, name three things the oath was designed to prevent.

5. What did Moses say the consequence of disobedience would be? What did he say other nations would say about it?

6. What contrast does Moses draw in verse 29?

Chapter 30

1. What prophecy does Moses make in verses 1-10?

2. What does Moses say in verse 11-13 about the Law he was giving them?

3. What does Moses tell them the purpose of the word is?

4. What does Moses tell them he has set before them? What did he mean by that?

5. What does Moses tell them to choose?