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Wrath and Anger

A study of anger


1                   INTRODUCTION

2                   What does it say?

[1]                NKJV: "'Be angry (orgizo), and do not sin': do not let the sun go down on your wrath (parorgismos), nor give place to the devil."

[2]                NASB: "BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity."

[3]                HCSB: "Be angry and do not sin. Don't let the sun go down on your anger, and don't give the Devil an opportunity."

3                   What does it mean?

[1]                There is anger without sin

[2]                There is anger with sin – when you are angry you are prone to sin.

[3]                You should not be angry for long - urgent!

[a]                 Doing so will help the Devil have a place to reside in you

[b]         James 1:13-15

[4]                These verses are found in a list of objectives for the Ephesians to incorporate or continue in on their walk with God - Ephesians 4:17-32

3.1              Different words for anger

NOTE                               Three different words are used in this general context (see NKJV above for words) and 4:31 wrath=Thumos.

[1]                Orge:

[a]                is what we typically think of when we become angry – it is the reasoned kind.

[b]               Thayer Definition:

[i]                  to provoke, to arouse to anger

[ii]               to be provoked to anger, be angry, be wroth

[2]                Parorgismos:

[a]                is a type that is described by the person who is always angry or who loves to get angry - it is the emotional kind, marked with bitterness and malice.  Only used in Bible once.

[b]               Thayer Definition:  indignation, wrath, exasperation

[3]                Tumos:

[a]                is a person who has a hot topic or soap box that can get angry in a second and then calm down then be able to get angry again over and over again.

[b]               Thayer Definition:

[i]                 passion, angry, heat, anger forthwith boiling up and soon subsiding again

[ii]               glow, ardour, the wine of passion, inflaming wine (which either drives the drinker mad or kills him with its strength)

4                   What is our application?

[1]                James 1:19 – Be slow to wrath (orge)

[2]                James 1:20 – Wrath (orge) does not give place to righteousness

[3]                Romans 12:19-21 – Wrath (orge) for personal vengeance has its place – with God!

[4]                What about command to not let the sun go down on our wrath:

[a]                If we are angry and there is no cause we must get over it by the end of the day to comply with this passage.

[b]                If there is anger with cause then is must be handled quickly to be in compliance with this passage.

[i]                 Consider Matthew 18:15

[ii]               We cannot wait for the offender to try to reconcile

[iii]             What if God had waited on us to reconcile with him before he sent his son?

4.1              Example of Jesus

[1]                John 2:13-17 – No anger specifically mentioned

[2]                Mark 3:1-5 – Anger (orge)

[3]                Therefore was the Lord without Righteousness for this time?  Why not?

[a]                What he focused his anger toward

[b]               He was in complete control of his emotions and actions

5                   Conclusion

[1]                When we are angry we must ensure that we do not sin.

[2]                If you cannot control yourself when you are angry then you have serious issues to overcome to be faithful to Jesus - Ephesians 4:28ff

[3]                James 4:7 - resist the Devil, leaving anger in your heart is not resisting.

[4]                Anger destroys love and letting anger stay within you will rot your soul!