Matthew (Adults)

Chapter 26:31-75

Lesson written by Murray Wade

Jesus and Peter (verses 31-35)

1. What does Jesus say will happen to the disciples that night? What prophecy will this fulfill?



2. What are the bold vows that Peter makes in verses 33 and 35? Who also said the same vow from verse 35?



Gethsemane (verses 36-46)

3. Please describe the scene from verses 36-37?



4. Why is Jesus deeply distressed? What does He ask from the Father?



5. The first time Jesus is upset about the disciples sleeping, who does He speak to? What does He tell this disciple?



6. The second time Jesus finds the disciples sleeping who does He speak to?



7. Do you think the disciples understand the seriousness of the situation? Please be ready to discuss your answer.



Betrayal and Arrest (verses 47-56)

8. What does Judas call Jesus when he greets Him? What does Jesus call Judas?



9. What three reasons in verses 52-54 does Jesus give Peter to put away his sword?



10. What two very powerful points are recorded in verse 56?



Jesus faces the Sanhedrin (verses 57-68)

11. Who is present according to verse 57?



12. Who sought false testimony against Jesus to put Him to death?



13. What accusation from two false witnesses ultimately led to the death of Jesus?



14. What did the high priest accuse Jesus of?



15. What did they do to Jesus according to verses 67-68?



Peter denies Jesus (verses 69-76)

16. Please summarize the three denials of Peter?



17. What does Peter remember in verse 76?