Matthew (Adults)

Chapter 15 Questions

Lesson written by Nick Angel


1. What was the scribes and Pharisee’s charge against Jesus?


2. What is the response that Jesus gives them concerning this accusation?




3. What tradition had the Pharisees instituted that directly violated one of God’s laws?



4. What does Jesus say defiles a man?



5. Did Jesus seem all that upset that the Pharisees had been offended?



6. Did Jesus seem happy with Peter’s request to explain this parable to them?


7. Why does it seem that Jesus first refuses to help the Canaanite woman?



8. What again was the purpose of the miracles performed in vv. 29-31?



9. What is the major difference between the feeding of the 4,000 here and the feeding of the 5,000 in chapter 14?  What makes this significant?