The Gospel of John (Ages 12 to 15)

Class Questions

Lesson written by Murray Wade

John Discussion Questions for Class #1

Text: John 1:1-18 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Who was responsible for the creation of the heavens and the earth? When did this happen? Why is this important to remember? (Also read Colossians 1:15-18 and Hebrews 1:2-3).


2. From our lesson text, what contrast does John tell us about? (verses 4-10)


3. Who sent John the Baptist? Explain how God sent John to the world?


4. What was John's mission?


5. From the lesson text, how does one become a child of God?


6. What does verse 16 mean?


7. How did grace and truth come through Jesus?


8. In what way can our lesson make you a better Christian?


John Discussion Questions for Class #2

Text: John 1:19-51 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. List the six questions that the priests and Levites first asked John in verses 19-22.



2. What is John called and what job did God give him (also see Luke 1:76-80 and Mark 1:4)?


3. From verse 25, what do the Jews know the Christ will be doing?


4. What does the phrase, "the Lamb of God" tell us about Jesus (remember the Old Testament)?


5. Thought question: How do you think John knows that Jesus is "the Lamb of God"?


6. List the different names Jesus is called in our lesson text.



7. When Andrew and Philip find out about Jesus, what do they do?


8. From our lesson text, which men confess that Jesus is the Son of God?



John Discussion Questions for Class #3

Text: John 2:1-25 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. How do you know that Jesus turning the water to wine at the wedding feast was a miracle?


2. Did Jesus approve of drunkenness at the wedding feast? Please explain your answer.


3. Who went with Jesus to Capernaum?


4. For what reason were the moneychangers selling animals in the temple?


5. Why did the moneychanger’s anger Jesus?


6. What is Jesus referring to in verse 19 (also see verse 21)?


7. What happened because of the signs Jesus performed?



John Discussion Questions for Class #4

Text: John 3:1-15 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Research Question: Nicodemus is mentioned in verse one of our lesson text. What does our lesson text say he was? Is he ever mentioned again in the Bible? (please use your Bible and concordance to check).



2. What did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus that "unless one is born again, he cannot inherit the kingdom of God"?



3. What is Jesus talking about when He tells Nicodemus "unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"?



4. How are the wind and the Holy Spirit alike from verse 8?



5. Why does Jesus say the Son of Man must be lifted up in verse 14?



6. Using our lesson text and other scriptures, list the things one must do to have eternal life?



John Discussion Questions for Class #5

Text: John 3:16-36 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Who is Jesus talking to in verses 16-21?



2. What does Jesus want for all men?



3. How do people who practice evil feel about the light? Why do you think they feel this way?



4. How can the light expose bad things in ours hearts?



5. What is special about the place Aenon near Salim in verse 23?



6. Why did John the Baptist say, “He must increase, but I must decrease” in verse 30?



7. List the good things about Jesus that John the Baptist says in verses 31-36.



8. Why do you think John the Baptist was a great prophet?



John Discussion Questions for Class #6

Text: John 4:1-45 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. What is the difference between the baptism talked about in verses 1 and 2 and the baptism of Acts 2:38 and 22:16? Be ready to talk in class about the differences and the things that are alike between the two baptisms.


2. How do you think the Samaritan woman knows Jesus is a Jew?


3. List (from verses 5-24) things that show why Jesus is such a special Teacher.


4. Research question: Provide the answer to this question "Who are the Samaritans?" [You can use concordances, Bible dictionaries, Bible commentaries, Bible atlas’, etc.]


5. What do you think the “living water” is that Jesus tells the Samaritan woman about in verse 10?


6. When did the period of time that Jesus speaks of in verses 23-24 begin?


7. List at least two things recorded in our text that Jesus did that seemed to surprise the disciples? 


8. List things that show the kind of hearts the Samaritans had?



John Discussion Questions for Class #7

Text: John 4:46-5:16 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1A. Why do you think the nobleman wanted Jesus to help with his sick son?


1B. What exactly did the nobleman ask Jesus to do?


1C. Did Jesus do what the nobleman had asked?


2. What caused belief in the Samaritans? (Note verse 4:54)


3. Why do you think Jesus would not simply put the man in the pool to be healed?


4. Why do you think Jesus found the healed man in the temple in verse 14?


5. What is the meaning in verse 14, "See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you."? (see also John 8:11)


6. What did the healed man do according to verse 5:15?


7. Did the healed man or Jesus violate the Sabbath? Explain your answer.


John Discussion Questions for Class #8

Text: John 5:17-47 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. What are the two reasons the Jews wanted to kill Jesus?

2. What do you think could the "greater works" that Jesus speaks of in verses 20-21 be?


3. Who does Jesus say the Jews should honor?


4. What big event is Jesus talking about in verses 24-30?


5. What must we all do to be ready for this great event from question 4 above?


6. Jesus says they sent to John in verse 33. Putting this verse together with John 1:19-28, who do you think Jesus is talking about?


7. What does Jesus call John in verse 35?


8. A witness testifies and vouches for another. List the witnesses of Jesus spoken of in John 4:31-47? (hint: There are at least 4)


9. Why is it important Jesus talks about Moses at the end of the chapter? (hint: Remember who He is talking to from question 6 above).


John Discussion Questions for Class #9

Text: John 6:1-40 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Many events not recorded in the book of John occurred between John 5:47 and 6:1 and are recorded in Matt. 4:12-14:12, Mark 1:14-6:30, and Luke 4:14-9:19. Please list your favorite one of these events that is missed in the book of John.


2. Why did the multitude follow Jesus?


3. Research question: How much is the 200 denarii Philip mentions in verse 7 worth? What does Philip say if they had that much money?


4. How many people are fed by the 5 loaves and 2 fishes?


5. What does Jesus do before he distributes the loaves (hint: see verse 23 also)? Is this something that Jesus does often? Should we follow His example and why?


6. After the miracle, what is the reaction of some and what do they want to make Jesus?


7. How far does Jesus walk on the water? Has anyone ever done this since?


8. What kind of bread is Jesus talking about in verses 26-27 and 32-33?


9. Thought question: Some ask Jesus, “Lord, give us this bread always” in verse 24. Name a person we have already studied about in John who says something similar about the living water of Jesus?


10. Who will raise the believer at the last day?


John Discussion Questions for Class #10

Text: John 6:41-71 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. What is the bread that Jesus speaks of that is better than the manna in the wilderness? (hint: check verses 63 and 68)


2. Why is the bread of Jesus better than the manna of the wilderness?


3. What is confusing to the people in verse 42?


4. From our lesson text, name at least two rewards that come to those who believe in Jesus and eat the bread of Heaven.


5. After Jesus had taught, verse 66 says that "many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more". Does this mean that Jesus was a bad teacher? Please explain your answer.


6. Why did Peter and the other Apostles stay with Jesus?


7. What apostle betrayed Jesus? After he betrayed him what other mistake did he make?


John Discussion Questions for Class #11

Text: John 7:1-53 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. The names of the brothers mentioned in verse 5 are listed in another passage. Please find the passage and list the names of Jesus’ brothers.


2. Why does Jesus say the world hates Him in verse 7?


3. Why did Jesus mention that a man can be circumcised on the Sabbath?


4. How do we receive the Holy Spirit today?


5. Who did many think Jesus was?


6. Have we heard of Nicodemus before in the book of John? If so, list the scripture.


7. Where was Jesus from; Galilee (Nazareth) or Bethlehem (Judea)?


8. What is your favorite verse in chapter 7?


John Discussion Questions for Class #12

Text: John 8:1-30 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. What verse in chapter 7 mentions Jesus teaching in the temple? What verse in chapter 8?


2. Why do you think Jesus choose to teach in the temple?


3. Who is missing when the scribes and the pharisees bring the woman caught in adultery to Jesus? Why do you think it is important to note this (see verse 6)?


4. In verse 9, what caused the men to leave when Jesus said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first"?


5. What point is Jesus making in verse 19?


6. Jesus is very clear in His teaching in verse 24. What does this verse show about man-made religions like Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, who do not believe in Jesus (also see John 14:6)?


7. If we do those things that please God as Jesus says in verse 29, will we ever be alone (also see 2 Timothy 4:16-18 and Hebrews 13:5-6)?


8. In verse 30, the scripture says that many believed in Him. In John 6:66, the scripture states that many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Has Jesus become a better teacher? Please explain you answer.


John Discussion Questions for Class #13

Text: John 8:31-59 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. How the does the Truth make you free?


2. The Jew's say they have never been in bondage to anyone in verse 33. Is this statement true in Israel’s history? Is this statement true for the Pharisees that are talking to Jesus?


3. What is worse than physical bondage (see Romans 6:1-7 and Galatians 5:1)?


4. From verses 43 and 47, what is the Jew's main problem?


5. Is verse 51 true? Why or why not?


6. Why was Abraham such a great man?


7. Why does verse 58 show about Jesus?


8. Can Christians be like Abraham today (see Galatians 3:26-29)?


John Discussion Questions for Class #14

Text: John 9:1-41 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. How long was this man blind?

2. What is the disciple’s wrong assumption from verse 2?

3. What did Jesus do and tell the blind man to do?

4. When asked by his neighbors about what had happened, what does the formerly blind man tell them (verse 11)?


5. What do the neighbors do then?

6. What day of the week did Jesus open the eyes of the blind man?

7. How do the Pharisees handle the situation?


8. What do the formerly blind man's parent’s fear?


9. Do we sometimes have to tell friends the same thing that the blind man says in verse 27? 


10. How do we know that the formerly blind man has an honest heart from John chapter 9?


11. What do you think the Pharisees meant by their question in verse 34?


12. What does Jesus do when he hears the formerly blind man was cast out of the synagogue?


13. What does Jesus teach the Pharisees in verses 40-41?


John Discussion Questions for Class #15

Text: John 10:1-42 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. In verses 7 and 11, Jesus refers to Himself as "the door" and "the good Shepherd". Why does He call himself the door and the good Shepherd (see Hebrews 13:20-21)?


2. Who do you think the sheep in the sheepfold represent and how do they respond to the Shepherd? Who do the thieves, robbers, and wolf represent?


3. What is the hireling and what is his problem?


4. Who do you think the "other sheep" are (verse 16)? What does Jesus say He will do with the other sheep?


5. Why is there a division among the Jews in verses 19-21? Is this the first time they had a division?


6. How does Jesus use the sheep story to respond to the Jews in verse 25-30?


7. What did Jesus say that really upset the Jews? 


8. What does Jesus want them to remember that shows He is from God and is God?


9. From verse 41, John "performed no sign" (one translation says "John did not perform a single miracle"), yet he was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:15). List at least two scriptures (like Acts 5:32) that show Christians today are to be filled with the Holy Spirit, even though the age of miracles have ceased (1 Corinthians 13:9-10)?


John Discussion Questions for Class #16

Text: John 11:1-57 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. How long did Jesus stay after He heard that Lazarus was sick? Why do you think He did this?


2. Was there danger in going again into Judea?


3. Which disciple shows courage?


4. How long was Lazarus in the tomb?


5. List at least two things that show the strength of Martha's faith in Jesus? Did she also believe in the resurrection?


6. List the verses that indicate how Jesus felt about Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.


7. What does Jesus do in verses 41-42 and why?


8. What two reactions from the people do we see after Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead?


9. What did the chief priests and Pharisees fear?


10. What is the message from Caiaphas? Is what he says true?


11. After this event, what could Jesus not do anymore?

John Discussion Questions for Class #17

Text: John 12:1-50 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. What verse tells us of a weakness Judas had?


2. In verse 8 Jesus says "For you have the poor with you always". Is this true today?


3. What were the Jews doing in verse 9?


4. Why did the chief priests want to kill Lazarus? Why is this so unnatural, based on what happened in chapter 11?


5. The disciples of Jesus did not understand the events of verses 12-15. When did they understand?


6. Looking at verses 17-19, what other time do we see the importance of having witnesses to the raising of one from the dead (hint: 1 Corinthians 15:3-8)?


7. What does Jesus talk about in verses 23-33, after Philip and Andrew tell Him about the Greeks (or gentiles) wanting to see Him?


8. Make a list of the prophecies Jesus refers to in this chapter.


9. From verses 42-43, what was most important to these rulers who believed in Jesus? Can we want the wrong things today like they did? If so, please give some examples.


10. What does Jesus say will judge in the last day?


John Discussion Questions for Class #18

Text: John 13:1-38 [Read John Chapter 13 and Matthew 20:20-28 and Luke 22:24-30 before you answer the following questions.]

1. What time period in the life of Jesus are we dealing with in chapter 13?


2. In verse 1, who is the scripture saying that Jesus loved?


3. Who put the idea of betraying Jesus into Judas' heart?


4. Can what happened to Judas happen to any disciple (see Hebrews 3:12-13)?


5a. Make a list of lessons that Jesus teaches His disciples by washing their feet?


5b. List at least one way you can apply this teaching of Jesus in your own life.


6. Why do you think Jesus was trouble in verse 21?


7. Could Judas have repented of His sin?


8. Jesus talks of a new commandment in verses 34-35. Does this commandment apply to Christians today? Please explain your answer.


9. From verses 36-38 we see Peter saying he will lay down his life for the Lord. What do you think caused Peter to deny Jesus after he said he would lay down his life for Him? Please explain your answer.


John Discussion Questions for Class #19

Text: John 14:1-31 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Why do verses 1-4 comfort you?


2. Why is verse 6 so powerful when we have to deal with false teachers and doctrines?


3. In verse 9, Jesus seems to be upset with Philip. Why?


4. What do you think the "greater works" that Jesus mentions in verse 12 are?


5. Jesus promises many things in verses 12-18. Are these promises (a) to all Christians, (b) to only the apostles, or (c) are some to all and some to only the apostles? Please explain your answer.


6. What are the apostles told to do to show their love for Christ and the Father? Is this a requirement of all Christians (see 1 John 5:1-5)? Please explain why or why not.


7. What does Jesus mean in verse 21 when He says, "and I will love him and manifest Myself to him"?


8. From verses 16-17 and 26, list the names Jesus uses for the Holy Spirit and the things that the Holy Spirit will do for the apostles.


9. Who do you think the “ruler of this world” in verse 30 is?


John Discussion Questions for Class #20

Text: John 15:1-27 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. List the "SEVEN I AM" claims that Jesus made in the book of John (see John 6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6, and 15:1).



2. List what you learned from the parable of the vine and the branches from verses 1-8.


3. From the lesson text, how do we abide in the Lord's love and be considered His friends?


4. Who is Jesus talking about in verse 16?


5. How does Jesus say the apostles will be treated in verses 18-25? Should Christians today expect to be treated badly sometimes? Please also read 2 Timothy 3:12 and 1 Peter 4:12-19 before you answer this question.


6. From verse 26, what is the Helper going to do when He comes?


7. Who is verse 27 referring to? 


John Discussion Questions for Class #21

Text: John 16:1-33 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. How could people think that killing the apostles was offering a service to God? (Hint: Think about how Paul was before he was converted to Jesus and also see verse 3.)


2. What things would the apostle’s remember (see verse 4)?


3. What good thing would happen if Jesus leaves the apostles?


4. What 3 things would the Helper convict the world of?


5. According to verse 12, had Jesus told the apostles all that He wanted to say to them yet?


6. What would the Spirit of Truth do when He would come?

7. Jesus tells the apostles in verse 20 that they will soon be sorrowful and then their sorrow would be turned to joy. What do you think Jesus is talking about? How would this be like a mother giving birth to a baby in verse 21?


8. What type of figurative language did Jesus use very often in His teaching?


9. In verse 32 Jesus says that a time is coming when He would be left alone and the apostles would be scattered. When did this happen?



John Discussion Questions for Class #22

Text: John 17:1-26 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Why would Jesus, if He is the Son of God, need to pray to God? Give a verse or verses for your answer.


2. What do you think Jesus is speaking about in verse 5?


3. What very good thing did Jesus say the Apostles did?


4. Why would the world hate the apostles?


5. How can a Christian not be of the world but live in the world?


6. Who is Jesus praying for in chapter 17 (see verse 20 before you answer)?


7. List at least two things you can learn from verses 20-26?



8. List at least two reasons why you think the prayer of Jesus, in John chapter 17, is such a wonderful prayer.


John Discussion Questions for Class #23

Text: John 18:1-40 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Why do you think Peter denied knowing Jesus?


2. From Matthew 26:75, Mark 14:72, and Luke 22:62, what does Peter do when he hears the rooster crow?


3. Where can one read about the event recorded in verse 14?


4. How does verse 31 tell us what the Jews wanted to happen to Jesus?


5. What does Pilate say about Jesus' innocence or guilt?


6. Who is our passover lamb (see Revelation 5:12-13, 7:14)?


7. From verse 36, does Jesus say that He will return someday to establish a physical kingdom on earth?


8. From this lesson, name two things that you can apply in your life.


John Discussion Questions for Class #24

Text: John 19:1-42 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Make a list of at least 5 evil things that were done to Jesus as recorded in John 19.


2. What does Jesus mean in verse 11?


3. Who was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?


4. Verse 18 mentions two others who were crucified with Jesus. From other gospel accounts, who were these men and what did they do?


5. List which loved ones were present as Jesus hung on the cross.


6. From verses 25-27, what is happening between John, Jesus, and Mary the mother of Jesus?


7. How many times are prophecies of Jesus being fulfilled in John 19? Why is this important?


8. After Jesus dies, who takes care of the Lord's physical body? Who would you have expected to have done this task (see Acts 8:2)?


John Discussion Questions for Class #25

Text: John 20:1-31 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. What time was it when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb?


2. What resulted from Peter and the other disciple seeing the linen clothes lying in the tomb (see verse 8).


3. What does verse 9 tells us about the level of understanding of Peter and the other disciple at this point?


4. Why did Mary stay at the empty tomb and not go to her house like Peter and the other disciple?


5. What day of the week and time of the day were the disciples assembled when Jesus appeared to them? Why were the doors shut where the disciples assembled?


6. What is the reaction of the disciples to Jesus appearing to them?


7. What does Jesus give the disciples (see verses 22-23)?


8. Eight days later, in another assembly with the doors shut, which disciple says he needs to put his finger into the print of the nails and his hand into His side before he believes? List a time and the verses we have studied in John where this same disciple shows great courage.


10. What great teaching comes as a result of Thomas' doubt (see verse 29)?


11. Why are the signs of Jesus recorded?


John Discussion Questions for Class #26

Text: John 21:1-25 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. Where in John have we studied about Nathanael before? Explain what happened in that meeting.


2. What named apostle might be Nathanael?

3. How do we harmonize verses like Luke 5:11 and Mark 10:28 withverse 3 of this chapter?


4a. Jesus directs the apostles to a great catch of fish. Give the scripture for a similar event, early on in the Lord's ministry.


4b. What lesson(s) can you learn for your life from this miracle?


5. What does Jesus do for the disciples as recorded in verses 9-13.


6. Why do you think Jesus asks Peter “do you love me?” four times in verses 15-19?


7. In verse 18-19 we see that Peter will have to go where does not want to go. Similar thoughts are in Acts 9:15-16 for Paul. In 2 Peter 1:12-14, it seems that Peter is close to meeting his death in service to the Lord. Should we also be prepared to suffer, go where we do not want to go, and be willing to die in the service of the Lord? Please explain, why or why not.


8. Thought Question: It seems Peter died shortly after A.D. 66 and the Book of John was written around A.D. 85-90. Why is this helpful to know when teaching someone that Peter was not the first pope?